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Wright Pads

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Everything posted by Wright Pads

  1. LOL fair play. Anyway my QU's have been answered and we can finish here!
  2. I'm not saying the price tag is making it so. It seams i may of come across that way! Indeed your right, your frame has a uber thick downtube and yet to have a dent! Like me to try? The geo, build kit, setitng up of the V racing is what makes it work better than other out there!
  3. Some steels need a heat treament after being weled be it tig, mig, braze! Mainly 835 etc from Renyolds! All alluminum need a T6 @ least heattreament phase after any hot works on the frame! I looked a long time ago when i had my roll cage built or my car by a local shop. Nearly £600 for 45 mins of T6! Thats why frames are done in batches of hundereds and all done at same time!
  4. Look at it.... It's a bit of art! It's has a geo thats been tweaked over many years with the new Koxx boys. Amazing componets, uber light weight 9996g. £2200 new! Need we say more?
  5. Hi Mike, Feel free to add me to msn and i'll help you there. You can also do it here. Have you looked at the FAQ and the how to guide there? I think you've pushed the pistion in all the way. We need an idea whats up, your discription was not enough...give us more, and some decent pics if you could! If your still buggard i'll be happy to do it for you! Pete
  6. Middleburns as way too many Tensiles snap! I hate Echo and seen lots of there BB's fail. SFK seam good, FSA i've always used! I belive any 38 to 47/48mm rim will fit and run perfectly. Just up to you, wider more stable, control etc, thinner lighter etc! Pete
  7. Snakes odly enough. I had one and got bitten by it, i gave it away...well bit of a give awya and sell and just hate them now! sidehop, albino python. He was cool as hell but when he bitt me thats it no more! It's my biggest fear now!
  8. Ti is softer, duh thats why hope have said no for trials, FR, DH, DS, Jump etc and XC only! The weight gain you'll see on scales will be small, so don;t bother. Aint gonna happen sunny jim as you've been told!
  9. 180 Avid has a lot of power once beded in. I'd go for that as if you wanted to get shot of it, it'll appel to all riders! CRC do the parts you after, just got to look harder!
  10. Hey dude welcome back Now mod or stock, what woud you like to ride again? Also what is you buget, how much of you hard earned cash you got to spend? Also any prefances to makes, models. Have you though about new or 2nd hand. Two ways to look at this. New warrnaty etc maybe, get a fair good bike for £500! 2nd hand, get an amazing bike, all working set up etc for £500 or less but that would cost over £1k new! Pete
  11. I like the sounds of my king, brake, people go wow and the grunint of other
  12. Varied in Plymouth Rode Sunday day with Woddy. Did a small drop as we headded home by The Hoe, group of chavs amazed! Oldise mixed reaction some yes some no. We also have city polish officers now due to chavs, emos and scum thats not ment to be in the uk at all. £80 on the spot, court + damgies is what it's ment to be! Bristol rocks for rididng but it's the birthplace
  13. They do! 28 holes is what they can order in for you! Trialsman says they have stock of the 32h missor on there website so might be worth checking with them. I know about the 28 as i spoke to dave last week on ordering me one!
  14. Classic song good call! Was a little the same over and over! You all need to improve on you blance and moving forward, ride more, it'll come! Get some mussles! How ever i do have 1 huge winge! Is that a toom stone you ridding on? Wouls you like it if you were dead 6ft wooden box berried and for us to ride, wee, poo, party on you? I'm all for the death thing, sex in a gravy yard fine with me but i think rididng is a bit more harsh on a toom stone! Will you be getting a better camera too? Also try some differnt style. I've been messing about using my left foot to start with and with one rotation of the cranks going to my strong foot. Sets you up for loads, can do things totaly differnt. Like a drop yeah! Insted of rocking back and forth to the music as 1 did in tut vid, go to do a pedal up wheeley but 1 wheel length from the edge, as you go to the edge stablise with your brake, hold it, lower the front, squat down into it and drop. Looks good, take lots of adjstment so it's fun but look better than rocking back forth as if your ment to be in a padded cell! Pete
  15. Well why would Adam Read tell me differnt, my frame work with a +40mm mount, hope spec it! Part number to claiper numbers are totaly differnt. Also when it's a +mount on the rear things change. Anyway this topic is done was ages ago when James gave me an answer i was after!
  16. XTR leaver, some pop up here in the FS section otherwise try ebay ! Odasersy (sp) liner slick or soemthing like that is the cable to have. XTR is just a smaller dia that a std cable to look nice, has no true benfitis over anyhting but the Odasersy thing does
  17. I'll offer Deng any sexual service personaly from my self if he does all of the above and the chinese vomit come of mutli f**king colors. If i wana see color i';ll take drug and drink, other wise i wana see stuff normaly.
  18. My fresh has a +40mm rear mount and i use a 160 rear caliper and it works! 160mm fornt and rear are the same, go check the part numbers! The 180 is totaly differnt Anyway all sorted!
  19. +40 works with a 160 to make 200, as does the koxx forks! I spoke with Tarty and Dave to conferm when i did my frame!
  20. Like i said Fred and my self do not get on so option 1 is not there and it;s nowt to do with the shop! Also as i said i heard Ben is away and know he is not at tut shop!
  21. £140 is Hopes RRP, 2nd hand you could get one thats all working and a MKII as theres is probs a MKI for £90 to £60 £20 for a wheel build inc spokes or not? If not then thats a lot, most are aout £10/£12
  22. Make sure you give the frame a good wash after the nitromorse, and again after the sanding or use a tack rag!
  23. 118 118 will only have it if Ben has allowed his operator to host it on 118 188 and he would of needed to register his number too do so, be it PYG or Pay monthly Ben and i where chatting via e-mail and i need to get in touch asap to conferm things with him. MSN, E-mail are vialbe option to pass it on! I've called the other pro rider as the like of Ben but seams no one has a number for him! Also it's between Ben and my self not the shop so it excuseds his dad Pete
  24. Was in the midst of a deal with Ben but have heard he is away till Monday but need to conferm stuff asap and rather do it with him directly and not his dad Fred. It's his mobile i'm after
  25. Current:- Street I live in a city currently Street Will be living in a town/village (up and coming city) Hope this helps
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