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Posts posted by Bigman

  1. as at the moment i can not ride, due to being abit on the big side an snapping my CK axle, i got abit bored today, and got the drill out and to my front rim, again, this resulted in my DX32 having onza style countersunk sidewalls, i realy like it, what u guys think:




    Hope u like.


  2. HAHA Adam I had a planet x zebdi with a 60mm stem and riser bars :angry:" my "bmx" bike :angry: and no I dont bump, need to learn on the beast, is it hard to start doing and whats the worst that could happen in doing so?


    James :)

    ah right, has been quite a change then, worst thing trying to front tap, um, eating the wall i would say :) :angry: but once u have it, it is SOO much easier.


    PS: i am still in the earlier stages of front tappin myself.

  3. Um, i had no problems James, was back wheeling almost as high as on the BT in the first ride, i run a very low bar setup, 5mm of spacers, then a 5 deg rise 120mm stem, with onze riser bars lent right forward, seems fine to me, just give it time, u will get used to it.


  4. Yeah come on whos coming out on sunday???

    Steve and I are coming down on sat nite and will be riding on sunday!

    Yeah looks good bigman although I absolutly loveeeeddd your BT! It just worked perfect and roda beautifully!

    So you coming on sunday bigman???


    Rob  (Y)  :-

    hehe, wait until u ride this beast, oh my god it is so nice, just been playin around on some gaps, it is SO stiff.

    Glad every one likes it, i think i will stick with the stardard paint for a while, as it looks nice.

    Peggs: Not sure on sunday dude, will have to see.


  5. After having my BT raven 4 for just over 1 year, it was the second into the country, and realy rode VERY well, i have just replaced it with a loverly 05 T-rex, i was not sure fully on buying it as i had never ridden one before, so it was abit of a wild stab in the dark, but oh well, i have it now, and LOVE it.


    T-rex 05 frame.

    Fatty R forks.

    ITM roady stem, 120mm 5deg rise.

    Onza caron riser bars.

    Rear CK classic built to DX32, 22mm holes, Dt db spokes, gusset SS kit ad 17t cog, Ground, maxxis highroller 2.5 SR.

    Front hope XC, built to DX32, 25mm holes, DT db spokes maxxis highroller 2.35 singleply SR.

    Rear Magura, RB lever blade, magura braided hosing, 50mm custom coust pads, modded RB booster (until i get my custom carbon fibre one back)

    Front Hope mono trial 180mm, hope braided hosing.

    Middleburn cranks, 20t lathed bash, 20t chainring.

    FSA platinum BB, 122.5mm

    Atomlab pedals.





    I hope u guys like.


  6. HAHA yeh, i drilled that rim, it is f**kin massove, but when built to a wheel, it doesn't "feel" that heavy, it is strange, be glad to see it once he has it in his custom frame.


  7. haha

    the bt crew indeed!!!!!

    5 of us riding good old bt's!!!!

    theres a reason though :P

    'THEEEEYYYY'RE gRRRRREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!' (tony the tiger stylee)

    Yet two of us are changing frames, lol

    Glad every one likes the vid (Y)


  8. Well from what i gathered, and from what it looks like in the pics, it is a standard koxx Cheat code frame for the 26inch, and what looks like a djnn mod frame, with different colour schemes and a new name.


  9. Hey guys, after a gay afternoon, but i finaly got the video uploaded, it is on engodildo as trials shack is down, music is abit different to what is normaly used in vids, as i think punk rock style stuff gets used way to much. so here u go:

    Left click

    Any feedback welcome

    Music was "another place to fall" and "suddenly i see" by KT tunstall.


  10. having ridden bigmans i can safely say i prefer it to any other front brake ive used! and i really do mean that

    while ill admit that its no more powerful than a well setup on form avid disc, and has a little less modulation than a 180 mono mini. there was something about the way it engaged with the rotor that jsut felt VERY positive.

    it had masses of power, and i woudlnt expect it to ever let you down on a front wheel gap, yet at the same time, it was very controlable, with a nice forgiving lever feel, without being sloppy.

    unlike the avid, it didnt suffer from fade going downhill at all, and performed flawlessly directly after a downhill stint, just as it did from cold.

    all in all i was VERY impressed with it, and ill be buying one as soon as i can afford it!

    top brake, they seem to have got it right with this one

    Well prawn has sumed it up very well, i have the 180mm version, and love it, even after about 4-5 hours of riding it is awsome, and i am sure it isn't fully bedded in yet. I would deffiantly recomend it.


  11. AH, thanks guys, i was sligtly pissed off with it to say the least, oh well, we will see what happens.

    Oh, and Nicholas_sam, i would phone, but due to it being easter sunday, and a bank holiday tomorow, i was just curious to see what other people have experiecned with this problem.


  12. Well today, i fell back and my bike landed arcwardly, and snapped the flange off on the non-drive side, only 1 spokes worth, i want to know if any body else has done this, and whether they have had it covered on warrenty.



  13. I agree with Aust on this, there is no need to run anything but a standard tube, especialy if u have a decent tyre, i run a maxxis high roller, about 20psi with a standard tube, i am 18stone and have not has a puncher since last summer (also touchs a huge lump of wood), but doing what Mike said is also a very good idea.


  14. I saw that snapped one on OTN.  That's gotta be gutting after spending a katrillion dollars on one...

    That one snapped becauxe of where the internal cable routing hole was, the new vincos do not have this hole. :sleeping:


  15. The hi-fi looks extremely nice, does anybody have a clue what stem size will be needed? if it will have to be a mod stem? (i know bigman said this up there but im a bit confused as to what he said!)



    Read abit further up, i have already answered this question :lol:


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