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Posts posted by Bigman

  1. Nope, not got the 210mm rotor any more, and when i ran that i didn't have the standard avid pads, so the power was pretty similar with the 2 different setups, i have been running the standard 185mm rotor for a while now.

  2. Give me a shout on MSN :wub:

    I have my old Avid Mechanical Caliper at home (The one that I snapped the drive cam in two). If I remember rightly the part you have cracked is removeable and I dont mind sending you my un-cracked caliper arm if its of any help  :-

    The warrenty should cover it, I spoke to a bloke at Fishers about my caliper while at The Internation Cycle Show last year and he seemed really helpful, so you could always just give them a ring and send it send it back...


    Ah, Tic u star, catch u on msn soon.

    Oh, didn't know u snapped yours Rich, when did u get yours? perhaps it was a dodgy batch or something.


  3. Just cleaning my Avid mechanical caliper, only to discover an nice "little" crack in it, Has anybody else experience this? and does anybody know what the warrenty is like for these brakes.



    Thanks Adam

  4. Hello peoples, just looking to see who would be interested in an evening/night ride on febuary the 19th, as me, Nick (prawn) and Steve (steveS) are coming up for a look around the uni during the day and fancy a ride whilst we are there (Y)


  5. HAHA, good to see the old favourite back Rob, lookin good, the mods did realy make it go faster and look better :P

    Right, here is a photoshop Jang sent me a while back:


    And my version:


    I know i'm lovin it


  6. Yes, edd potts can do them, his t-f name is dave85 :P he does a VERY good job, i have recently made myself a tool for latheing my own bash down, worked a treat on the test bash :P

    damn, jon beat me

  7. Just a quick question, as i need this for a CAD drawing for my DT project, Does any body know the measurement from the top bolt to the bottom bolt on a 4 bolt mount frame? i have a feeling it is something like 50-51mm or something?

    Thanks Adam

  8. Hmmmm, that looks um EXTREMELY nice, if u want one testing by a rather large chappy gimme a shout, i would love a frame with that geometry, i think that it would suit me down to the ground, being 6ft4.

    Oh, and as soon as it does go into production please reserve one for me, as i would deffiantly have one. :D

  9. VERY nice mini prawn,what made you de-bumper the front? because IMO the front de-bumperage of some minis look GOD awfull, but in some way that looks rather nice 

    Nick has taken the bumper off because he now has a full carbon flip front, drilling holes in the front of it would mean that it would not be a flip front any more, so it is easier just to leave it off, I know what u mean about it lookig god awful, when i first saw it i was not a fan, but now i have seen some better pics it is deffiantly growing on me.

  10. oh my god prawn, i am loving it, without the front bumper looks well hardcore :P

    HAHA, that bule engine didn't last long at all did it prawn, hehe was it 3 hours i think, when i towed u back to your place with my car. The engine in it now is loverly, me and the crustation fitted it back last year and has been going REALY well, can't wait for summer when we can fit the UBER 1380 engine, i realy will shit my pants when i ride with u in it then :ermm:

  11. I rest my case

    Just reading this and thought to my self, your plan is to run a polished rim, ie: no grind, and by the sunds of that reply u think that your brake will work good in the wet, and in mine, and alot of other peoples views, any pad on a polished rim turns shit with any sight of moisture.

    If u want red pads, try the new Koxx red bloxx, i have the yellows, (slightly softer) and love them :ermm:

  12. Well if your gunna say that about my mini , then its the fastest MINI 1000 with a 1275 cooper engine in ,

    but that then would make it a cooper just because its so fast and people would say its a cooper.

    but im not aloud to say it is............... god. i agreed that is was not a cooper to prawn before i put the 1275 engine in , and he said "thanks" and stuff, his main reason being it was a 998cc engine and not a 1275 ...........

    so i think ill just say its a mini 1275 racer then ? hmmmmmmm  sounds naff.

    i think ill stay with mini cooper.......... sorry , because i see it as one thankyou ,

    unless you can think of any silly thing to say its not. like year..........  :ermm:


    Hmm, the fastest mini 1000 with a 1275 engine, well, thats is very debateable, prawns mini, having been in it, goes like SH*T off a shovel, he scared me sh*tles in it, and that was before he had lightened it and fitted all his new stuff, so all i can say is that i would like to see your mini beat his.

    Oh, i own a standard ford escort 1.4lt with a dodgy 3rd gear and it has to be the dirtyest car i have ever seen, well, that is what u get when u live on a farm and your college car park is a muddy field. :P but it does what i want and is much more practical than a mini, so pahh, tis only a car.

    PS: awaiting summer for some more work on prawns mini :-" :D :P :ermm:

  13. I don't know how every one else drills there holes, but that is the way i have found to be best, when i drilled my DX32 rims on my 26inch the quality of holes was awsome, the holes required no cleaning what so ever on the visable bit of the rim, and the edges nice and smooth (N)

  14. Drilling from the Inside out is the best way, i know it means de-building the wheel but u get a MUCH tidier hole, this is because it is where the hole saw is starting its cut, and not ripping through as it finnishes. This works well with stock rims because the rim fits around my pillar drill well, but i have never drilled a mod rim, so i would not know how well it would.

    a little pic that demonstrates what i mean:


  15. O dear bigass I cannot believe it! For a start it will piss rings round your Ford escort  (N)  :P  and you do not have a ZX9!! Your dad does so dosent count! :P"

    Cheers chaps Rob  (N)

    HAHAHAHA i do not care if it will piss rings around my escort, at least my car is PRACTICAL, and i don't get wet :P :huh: and who cares, Our ZX9 would kick that little beastys arse :P" :P :P

  16. May i ask how exactly your shoes are in that condition, i have had mine since the end of july last year, and brought new atomlab aircorp pedals at the same time, and the soles of my shoes are no where near as bad as that, and other than the soles where both sides have only 2 holes through the rubber, on the left being slightly worse due to that being my lead foot, they are in perfect condition, no signs of wear any where else. These shoes have been worn ALOT too, riding aleast 3-4 times a week dueing the summer, and atleast twice a week during the winter.

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