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Posts posted by omgnoseat

  1. Not single anymore after more than a year, woop woop.

    Met this girl a long time ago, lost contact and thought I had ruined my chance. But I didn't give up and it has paid of! :)

    Will be a challenge though; She lives 3 hours away and has a severe allergy to sunlight. She can't stay longer than about 15min a day in the summer. Erythropoietic protoporphyria for anyone who's interested.

    I took my time to think about it, but I think that I can live with it, I actually don't like warm weather and am pretty much an "inside" person. I also study interactive media and an busy move into the game industry, where I can work from home at times.

    I'm going to gamescom in germany this thursday with friends and she is tagging along. She will be here tomorrow so we can travel together, will be the first time we will share the bed, can't wait! (not necessarily sex you pervets!)

  2. Doesn't go as far as a phobia, but I can't stand insects. I'm 22 year od guy, but there is no way that I'm going to pick up a spider to remove it. I can't even remove them with a vacuum cleaner because I know they will go past my arm!

    I also feel anxious when "there is no way out". When I'm in a plane for example. There is no reason for me to be scared, but what if I wanted to leave? I couldn't. Nothing to be scared of but I'm making myself crazy. I have this same fear when I'm in formal situation; At dinner with my girlfriends family. I can't just stand up when I want to, that would be rude. I feel like I'm stuck at the table. I have no reason to get away, but just the thought that I can't makes me insane.

  3. If I were you, either make two spacers ( 3mm thick, 10mm internal diameter I think ) which would be easy enough, or simply use your old cams as spacers as you suggested.

    I think you mean the bottom bracket axle spacers ( two in the picture, one is sitting on your downtube? ) They are needed as they act as a shoulder for the crank arm to butt up against when tightened.

    Thanks, didn't have the spacers before so wasn't sure.

    Echo change their stuff a LOT - impossible to keep website 100% up to date. The dropouts you have are the latest design.

    Thanks, that clears things up :)

  4. If you look in the news thread there's something about this.

    It works because the wheel bolts and the chain stop the wheel coming out backwards and the bolts stop it going forwards...

    Oh right, thanks : )

    Will check it out!

    I have alot of room left between the hub and the dropouts though, because the space that would be filled up by snailcams is now empty. Should I use some sort of spacer for this?

    These weird little thingies sat on my bottom bracket cup, what are those for?

    Thanks for all the help guys!


  5. Your frame has inbuilt tensioners and doesn't need snail cams.

    Turn the frame upside down and look at where the dropout is welded to the frame. There is a hole with a bolt running from front to the back of the dropout.

    Turn the bolt and it will push into the dropout slot.

    Picture 4 on the link below shos the bolt protruding into the dropout.


    It looks like your frame has tensioners 'built in' to the dropouts. Where the red arrows ar eon the image below, are there holes drilled through with a grub screw in? If so, when you 'itghten' that, it should push into the dropout, pushing the axle back and thus tensioning the chain. At leats that's the way it looks top me from your photo.


    No idea why it's different form the 'actual' 2011 dropouts pictured though...

    You guys are the best.

    So should I remove the snailcams, or replace the snailcams with something else?

    Don't really see how this should keep the wheel in place.

    I got the frame from trialshop.pl

    Really strange that the dropouts are different...

  6. Hello,

    I have received my echo lite 2011 frame today and immediatly started deconstructing my current frame in all my joy.

    I wanted to place my wheel in the dropouts of the new frame, but I can't find any threaded inserts to insert the snailcambolts.

    Went on the interwebz to look for some pictures of the frame, and shockingly enough the dropouts on my frame seem competly different from the 2011 echo lite pictured on the tartybikes website. (also checked the 2010, that one is different aswell)

    My frame:


    2011 frame on tartybikes:


    My frame doesn't have the snailcam bolts hole, and also doesn't have the triangle shaped cutout.

    The rest of the frame does seem to resemble the echo lite 2011:


    Majorly confused now, any enlightment?

  7. Why are they smashing innocent people houses/shops? What the hell do they have to do with it.

    I can't express how I feel about the people in the video. Generic no-goal-in-life people that don't contribute to this world in any way.

  8. It's pretty damn nice but i think the text could do with a bit of kerning.

    'Media' is a bit tight and the uneven gaps on 'cranked' are a bit distracting.

    If it was me, i'd ditch the dotted stroke as i'm not sure it adds anything as it juxtaposes against the main shape and with it removed i think a more harmonious overall look would be achieved.

    Just some constructive criticism, but feel free to tell me to shut my goddamn mouth.

    The stroke does add to the "biking" feeling.

    Try to scale the logo down really small, the typography should be readable at small sizes since the logo might be printed on small vouchers and such. The "media" bit and top "cm" bit will be just a blur.

    But I do like it :)

  9. Is it a negative thing for a man to think of his appearance? We've come to expect it of women, so why shouldn't men also make an effort to introduce some style in to their lives.

    I know a lot of women who work in fashion and are therefore interested in it, and i know when they are looking at other men (in terms of attractiveness) they look at his attire and style. It don't matter how sexy you are if you wear a baggy pear of jeans and a shit, stupid t-shirt, you're going to look shit. There's nothing shallow about taking pride in your apperance, it's an outward projection of your true self, so what you wear reflects who you are. 75% of our communication is non-verbal, a lot of which comes through how we look (like it or not), so why not convey the right message. There's no denying when you've got on your favourite outfit (whatever that may be) you feel different, heightened confidence levels etc which have an impact on how you act, and on how you will be perceived by others.

    60 years ago everyone was interested in day to day style and living with class, why has that fallen by the wayside?

    To not care about your appearance i think is quite indicative of your character, and many men who say their not interested in fashion, is purely because they don't understand it or are frightened by it.

    P.S. I don't consider wearing eyeliner to be the highest form of fashion, it's merely a current trend of which i don't have a particular liking for.

    It isn't expected of men to wear eyeliner, thats the extra step. I agree that there is nothing bad in trying to look good (decent clothes, shave once in a while etc). Eyeliner isn't a step in the average men his methods to look decent, that was my point.

    I don't have anything againt it btw, people should do whatever they want to feel good as long as it doesn't harm anyone.

    • Like 1
  10. Google and the bridge owner? http://www.google.co.uk/search?q=dutch+biketrial+rider+bridge+who+&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a

    Cool - but posting the vid here would only have one outcome, people naming the rider :(

    Yeah I figured people would. The video is on a public youtube page where people can call names in the comments aswell. So it shouldn't really cause any more harm to post it here.

  11. This. 7 will make me happy :)

    Another acheivement would be to ride until im 20-odd or ride as long as I can, I'd like to see how good I would be if I rode for that long.

    Also, be able to land on 2 wheels when landing a good sidehop. It might just come naturally as I get up higher things, but it looks so much better than front wheel first, even though most of the time I land on 2 wheels I'd like to be able to do it all the time.

    Believe me, by the time you get to 7 you'll want to get 8. After that 9, it just goes on :P

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