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Just got back home, 2 full days of driving with the crisps, all fun!!!

Had a brilliant time, loads of fun!

The competition was good, sections were set out perfect, mix of hard and easy stuff, i had one of my best rides of the year, apart from two 5's which really cost me, one was for leaning and one was because i messed up an easy rock about 1 foot from the end gates! Finished 11th, should of done better.

Well done to all of out riders, saturday and sunday ones. But big well done to ryan crisp for getting 4th in his first ever world round! ( All down to his minder :))

Im not taking sides in this argument, Because i like people on both sides!! but what ive Heard was that - wayne refused (?) to wear his shirt, and added to the stuff that happend earlier in the year, was the raeson he's been banned ( or threatend?). Ben took some letters off his shirt and put the shirt that barry lent him on backwards, so you couldnt read the writing, and after that wayne said something to barry and gave him a rude gesture apparently. Silly kids!

But i dont know, hope it all gets sorted, we dont want the team to get any smaller than it already is!!

Overall, good times, roll on japan!

A happy Scott :)

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Well here is my 2p (these comments are in no way aimed at any particular person (except the ali c bit))


  • Congratulations to those who competed, well done to those that podiumed
  • Sounds like people had a laugh, and as ali c mentioned, pervin is always good
  • The UK competition 'scene' is pretty much dead in my eyes, whatever happened out there (at the worlds) is making it worse
  • I think some people need to take their fingers and heads out their own and others arses and sort it out.
  • The pettiness seems pretty bad at the moment, and its among the 'older' lads as well, surely, you guys should be more adult about it.
Edited by ben_travis
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Well here is my 2p (these comments are in no way aimed at any particular person (except the ali c bit))


  • Congratulations to those who competed, well done to those that podiumed
  • Sounds like people had a laugh, and as ali c mentioned, pervin is always good
  • The UK competition 'scene' is pretty much dead in my eyes, whatever happened out there (at the worlds) is making it worse
  • I think some people need to take their fingers and heads out their own and others arses and sort it out.
  • The pettiness seems pretty bad at the moment, and its among the 'older' lads as well, surely, you guys should be more adult about it.

firstly, well done lads. wish i could have been there.

secondly, rather than sit on the fence and say the "scene is pretty much dead", perhaps people (nothing personal - i dont know you - just using you as an example because you said it) should "take their fingers and heads out of their own and others arses" and do something about it?

The organisations involved are democratic, which requires some effort by those who particpate, but the upside to this is that it means things can be steered by those who get involved. If you lads dont like whats going on, get involved and do something about it - its that easy!!!

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firstly, well done lads. wish i could have been there.

secondly, rather than sit on the fence and say the "scene is pretty much dead", perhaps people (nothing personal - i dont know you - just using you as an example because you said it) should "take their fingers and heads out of their own and others arses" and do something about it?

The organisations involved are democratic, which requires some effort by those who particpate, but the upside to this is that it means things can be steered by those who get involved. If you lads dont like whats going on, get involved and do something about it - its that easy!!!

Well, as you dont know me, ill inform you that i help run the ONLY trials series in Scotland, and i know how difficult it is to run competitions, get money, and get people to turn up.

Our club has been running for a year or so now, www.nbtc-scotland.com incase you fancy taking a look. We have already helped hold a British Round this year, and are helping build the sections for the UCI worlds this year as well.

So i have done my bit for now, my comments were aimed at the higher powers and their 'bickering' both on and off the forum.

Hope that clears things up for you :)

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I origionally started this thread for people to pass there good wishes on to the lads that were going out there, and not to open a welcome home bitch fest.

pathetic. (N)


Oh yes i forgot to say well done to every one who did well and sorry man to Wayne, I will keep my comments to myself until I see you up the Glen tonight.


Edited by robster
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Mr Peacock,

It is probably better that this thread turn into a bitch fest than for another to be opened, I dont think these threads should be closed, but instead moderated to take out any shitty posts, such as ones that say -

"aww m8, dis is a shit fing to appen innit"

We as riders, should be allowed to air our views on this, but it seems people at the top are not willing to sort the issues between each other out, and thus has a negative effect on the issues of UK bike trial.

Anyway, if anyone high up in the UK bike trials ranks wishes to contact me about my views, then do so, my contact details are on the website - www.nbtc-scotland.com, or you can send me a PM and ill give you something to contact me on.


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i refused to wear the tee shirt. that had printed on it www.ukbiketrial.co.uk

i have since been told that someone else did this a number of years ago and nothing happened (as it was not a "major" issue) Martin Hawyes (Y):)

what has happened has happened, dont worry about it, i dont.

the hand gesture to Barry was for a fellow english rider doing it to ben while he collected his 2nd place trophy and prize money. (a team thing i thought it was???? obviously not, if a fellow team mate is calling a team mate wa**er) i also stated to Barry that Ben was the ONLY uk rider to podium.

Trials is not dead, for the "good" of the sport, the people putting the hard work in off the UK bike trial committee and the bike trial uk committee good things shall come, as soon as a select few have been taken out of the committee.

BTW there os only 3 or 4 of the UK bike trial committee who is posing this problem.

Barry had the power to BAN me, does he have the balls and the power to do so to a rider who he was minding for who did something alot worse than what i did????? 1 rule for one and 1 for another does not work well.

Hope everyone enjoys Japan, i will hopefully see you out there, i will be taking pictures for MBUK. (Y):)


PS the only swear word i said to Barry was "arseholes" (and i dont think that this is swearing personally) everything else i said to him i could write down here and you could see if i was been totally out of order. i disagreed to wear something. (this was said before the ceremony on sat eve)

i am positive that at some point bike trials in the UK will be back in a straight line and will be doing well shortly. (Y):) i hope, even if i am not allowed to be part of it. i just dont want these 3 or 4 people spoiling it for the rest of the riders in the UK this is why i stood up for my opinions.

i am not here to start an arguement i am here to state facts of what happened, as i was not riding i took alot of interest in taking pictures and watching others.

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You say making the wanker sign ruined the ''a team thing i thought it was????'' but refusing to wear the t shirt or wearing it backwards or whatever is hardly backing up th 'team ethic' is it.

Im with ben travis on this one, you all need to get your heads out of certain peoples/your own arses

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well done to everybody that rode and helped out, pat on the back for you guys!

Well done especially to Lil Ryan crisp and Ben savage, great results lads!

As for the stupid petty arguing........ dont even waste your time reading it, its a big joke considering we are all involved in biketrials for fun and it has become arkward turing up at a Comp as there is a war going on.

give it up guys lets start fresh


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That's unlucky, might sound a little harsh but if you don't wear the team kit then what do you expect seriously, the team kit is there so you represent the country and are professional about it and can all wear the same for Britain. The same if you had a job and refused to wear the uniform you would get layed off, the team kit is there for a reason as with all the other countries.

If you refuse to wear the kit because of it saying "ukbiketrial" on it, that's daft, what's that helping, your just causing trouble, why would you not want to wear it because it says that? That's just not helping anything.

Changing lettering and wearing the T-shirt the wrong way around is also pathetic, get a grip your representing the country here, just wear the kit as it is, very childish.

Apart from that, well done to everybody who competed looks like everybody done great.


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Cesar was quite good :P (sarcy) quite awsum really, to do a lap of 1 was very VERY impressive.

as for the shirt/kit, i was NOT notified of ANY kit before i left? therefore i went on the signs that there was no UK team kit.

how ever i have since checked on here and 1 day after i left there is a post about team kit being supplied. (personally this is lack of organisation)

its done now and im not bothered, the select few who wanted me banned have obviously got what they wanted. i on the other hand couldnt care 3 pence less.

as people have been saying lets keep up the good news, and the good spirit. hopefully Japan will be peaceful and more of a team effort (Y):) no arguing and falling out. iv got confidence.

Wayne. :)

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as people have been saying lets keep up the good news, and the good spirit. hopefully Japan will be peaceful and more of a team effort (Y):)

thats what we all hope for ,

Forget all of the silly rifts back at home and show the rest of the world that we have some of the greatest riders in the world, work as a team and look after each other.

Edited by kelly farm trials
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about the socks , it sounds like a good idea but when we have riders who can not wear a tee shirt the right way round , this may be asking too much!!!!

You want handbags? I've got loads.

I just can't resist this one :-

Can anyone spot who was late for the team photo and late for the start of the parade in Spain in 2006?


At least they turned up this year for the parade ... t-shirt on or back to front or not!

("kelly farm trials" and "p rew@theciderbarn" know what I'm talking about)


Well done to everyone who rode this year. Anyone know where the team came overall?

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You want handbags? I've got loads.

I just can't resist this one :-

Can anyone spot who was late for the team photo and late for the start of the parade in Spain in 2006?


At least they turned up this year for the parade ... t-shirt on or back to front or not!

("kelly farm trials" and "p rew@theciderbarn" know what I'm talking about)


Well done to everyone who rode this year. Anyone know where the team came overall?

er, was it wayne?! chris akrigg?! me?!

not to worry, a minute later wayne and i were there and a photo was taken of the whole happy team.....we were worth the wait......


Edited by p_rew@theciderbar.na
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i am in them all ;) you just cant see me that im that small!!!! :lol:

didnt see the results from the team jobba, dont think it was as good as last year, or year before, but they did take a much smaller team (Y)

Savage is in the top one!!!! hes at the back with his oakleys on looking all kool (Y):)


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This isn't aimed at anyone directly but, how can someone got to a world round and do badly then say they don't care? If they don't care they shouldn't be there, regardless of how good they are. Someone else who actually does care should have been given the chance at least they would have appreciated it and done there best for the team after all last is better than being banned.

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This isn't aimed at anyone directly but, how can someone got to a world round and do badly then say they don't care? If they don't care they shouldn't be there, regardless of how good they are. Someone else who actually does care should have been given the chance at least they would have appreciated it and done there best for the team after all last is better than being banned.

That's a pointless argument really as there were still places available for people to go. And I don't think for 1 minute Wayne booked all his flights etc with the intention of getting banned as soon as he got there. The truth is they tried to ban him before he went, but he moved heaven and high water by swallowing his pride and making every apology demanded of him to avoid it, ie sucking up, writing letters, pleading with people who I don't think deserve the time of day and aren't worthy at all. Winding him up didn't stop from the moment the meeting was called to the hassle in Czech, treating him like a juvenile was always going to result in a blow up. I think the committee should be complemented for their persistence and fulfillment of the desires.

As for Savage's shirt antics, why is it only English masters who are forced to wear their teams kit during the presentation? Yoshi and Caesar wore their sponsors clothing. I know Koxx fr do not like posting pictures of team riders displaying spurious web site addresses, guess that's why Ben wore it backwards at least everyone should’ve been happy.

Anthony, as you obviously like my suggestion for the new team kit (socks) I take it that people calling fellow riders wankers when they are on the podium is now officially part of team etiquette and therefore the people making the gestures etc will not have to face the public humiliation of being hauled over the coals. Also since when have the BIU employed female dogs to observe?

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Gavyn, i WAS a seeded master rider, therefore did not take up any other spaces of other people.

My riding ability from 2006 abled me to be seeded into the best class there is, which there are a few british riders in, up until a year or so ago, the master class had only consisted of maybe 5 or 6 riders, as getting seeded into master was a difficult task but with trials in the uk so popular and riders so good we saw 3 riders go up in 2006 (Y):)

Please dont say i dont care, you really DONT have the slightest..... i am not happy with what has gone on but at the end of the day the 3 or 4 members of the committee that dont like me have got what they have wanted. therefore we shall await to see their next target????


im still the same old me, apart from next year il be attending the worlds as a minder for younger riders and also will be doing alot more training orientated sessions through tyke trial and such forth.

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