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What Bikes Do You Hate?


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Basically every nice riding bike Ali ?


Yeah, come on Ali those are some nice bikes your saying that suck! Especially the Czar and the 06' ZOO! Man, those are sweet bikes! And come on mods rock! I can't expect you to really say nice things about other bikes when you sponsered by Mr. Ashton. Heck, I would do the same in your situation. Anyway Ali, your riding absolutely blows me away! I saw a video of yours and couldn't believe how good you are! Kick some butt in the worlds

for all of us! Those Germans and Spainish don't know what's coming!

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I Dont like the SARACEN Mad 2.Six

I Ride A Mission. Not a good bike but if your starting trials your not going to splash out on an expensive bike.

Oh and i just took the seat off... Looked wierd...

Once wear it out i'll get something a little better.

Ash~ B)

Edited by Ashkwil
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what bike do you hate?

i hate the onza t-raptor because they look the same as a giant T-Vee

Cheers Onza-Rider

I hate really short bikes they just seem impossible to ride but people seem to ride them which is amazing. Nothing in perticular like.

But something on the lines of montys or t-birds, that sort of thing.

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I dont think i hate any bike.

Just wondering why most of the bikes being said are sort of quite cheap ones (A no there not all cheap but most are)

A bike is a bike of course we all want bikes that are top of the range and look the nice'ist.

I have koxx xtp 2 quite a top of the range bike but i love the onza T-birds they are a brilliant bike to learn on.


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Pretty much everything Deng makes. I just hate the guy for his attitude towards other companies.

A couple of months ago I promised to myself that I'd never buy his parts again.

It's really hard not too..

As i would like to run other parts but he does make good frames, that is the problem..

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