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Any Gamers On The Forum...

Luke Drewery

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Hey, Ive recently got into gaming on the pc, and I have a decentish graphics card (Nvidia GeForce 6100 256mb) however because I bought my computer fully built, its intergrated and graphics memory is shared with the ram, and vice versa, making it a little laggy, and taking away potential memory for Windows too.

So basically I need a decnt graphics card, a sub £100 one would be nice, so any recommendations?

If it helps Im running Windows Vista Premium and 1gb of ram (but because of the graphics card more like 700mb).

Any help would be much appreciated, Luke.

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do not buy a 8600, they are terrible cards and overpriced which barley play any dx10 games, waste of time! especially in sli :huh:

get this http://www.overclockers.co.uk/showproduct....rodid=GX-063-OK very decent price!

This would tie over most people until dx10 gfx cards are at a more acceptable price with the support.

Edited by stav
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that 7600gt is highly recomended! i used to have one of those on my old pc and on mohaa i would run at a average of 120fps constant and about 90 on cod2 which was nice,

only reason i got rid of it was because i got a new system with 2 8800s in :)

but yea them things are very deciving .. there only wee things but damn they work... they also can be overclocked a fair bit so....

oh yea running apair... you will need a sli ready motherboard which i very much doubt you have .. also you need to find out weather you have a agp slot or a pci express slot.. quickest way to do this is open up you pc and where the graphics card would go... if its brown its agp and if its any other colour (more than likely purple) it is pci express


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Cheers for the help guys, I have PCI express slots so thats all good.

Would these two be any good? They look to have a good spec and they are in my price range, but because Ive never bought a graphics card before, only read about them etc Im not emtirely sure;

Here- I know its an 8600 but a modified version?

And Here

Cheers, Luke.

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yea the second one is the exact one i had (Y) xfx is a good make not heard much about the other one and havent used the 8600 seris so...

just had a look at the 8600 specs and they do look fairly good.. but like i said in the last post i know xfx is a good make.. choice is yours

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Click me s0n

gives me constant 100FPS on 1.6 / CZ, no smoke lag..

plays WoW on full grafic's fine!

150+ fps on CSS with my fps config!


At that price, you must be joking! Besides, most things play WOW, its not like its graphically demanding :lol:

Bah may aswell get a pair of 8600gt, got mine for 68 quid each. comes oc with software to make it easier if you wish to up the speeds yourself too

In order to fit two he needs an SLI capable motherboard, which he may or may not have.

do not buy a 8600, they are terrible cards and overpriced which barley play any dx10 games, waste of time! especially in sli :huh:

get this http://www.overclockers.co.uk/showproduct....rodid=GX-063-OK very decent price!

This would tie over most people until dx10 gfx cards are at a more acceptable price with the support.

This guy knows his shit! An x1950 is by far the best card available for your price range at the minute.

Linky here shows how much better it is than the 7600gt. Almost double as good in fact.

Depending on the rest of your computer, this will set you up very nicely... and will walk all over what your currently using, probably stopping for a second or two to stamp it into the mud before continuing.

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I too am in the market for a graphics card.

Something that will handel Battlefeild 2 on High spec very well.

Was told to go for a GeForce Graphics Card, as I have an Nvidia Motherboard and they will run better together.

Would the ATi be compatable, or should I go ahead with a GeForce, something like an 8800 GT

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anyone here got battlefield 2 running with vista? i can't get mine to work. it loads then then the screen goes black for about 2 seconds then just back to the desktop.

my pc pisses all over the minimum requirements other than the fact i'm using vista

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I think you would be better off waiting for some more DX10 cards or getting a cheapish DX10 card. Maybe even a HD2600 XT.

Its generally better to have a lower model but newer version than and older model and higher version as you have the advantage of having all of the new additions to the card, such as DX10 support, HDCP compatibilty, which you might think "I dont need now" but you might sooner than you think. Also they offer a more refined arcitechture such as stream processors and so on so forth.

I would do some reading up on the cards before you buy one. Also 1gb of ram on Vista for gaming, your a brave man. Most people complain about Vista being a memoery whore on 1gb running normal programs let alone games.

Also what processor do you have?

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do not buy a 8600, they are terrible cards and overpriced which barley play any dx10 games, waste of time! especially in sli :huh:

get this http://www.overclockers.co.uk/showproduct....rodid=GX-063-OK very decent price!

This would tie over most people until dx10 gfx cards are at a more acceptable price with the support.


I have this card, untill the nVidea 8900GTXs come out, then I am planning to get a pair of 8800GTXs, or something...

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Its generally better to have a lower model but newer version than and older model and higher version as you have the advantage of having all of the new additions to the card, such as DX10 support, HDCP compatibilty, which you might think "I dont need now" but you might sooner than you think. Also they offer a more refined arcitechture such as stream processors and so on so forth.

Thats not really the case at all. You define your price range, look at the cards nearest the top end of it and see whcih one is the fastest in the games you want to play. If he's spending £100 on a card the main features are all going to be the same except for DX10, which at the current point in time actually creates a FPS loss so buying a crapper card because it has a feature that'll make it run even worse is quite a retarded approach.

If you have to buy a card now, its gotta be an x1950... unless you can wait till the geforce 9*** series comes out and the price of the current 8800gts's comes down to the £100 mark.

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