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Ipod Video 80gb Volume Limit


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Well i've got an ipod video 80gb [not the new generation] and the sound is really low

I've put the volume limit al the way up and it is still very bad

I've googled for some hacks/modifiers which delete the volume limit completly, unfortunatly I only found programs that work on ipod nano's and such...

Was wondering if anyone knew a program for an ipod 80gb to delete the volume limit.

I really don't feel like i'm getting what i payed for atm, I can't even listen music in the car since the volume is so low :(

Edit:I guess I wasn't really clear on this, my ipod hasn't lost his volume, it has just always been shit due to new EU rules on the max volume.

Apple had to put a volume limit on the ipod video and ipod nano, the ipod mini's and such don't have this limit so they're volume is higher than the ipod video.

There are several programs which delete the volume limit on the ipod nano, but I just couldn't find any program to delete it on the ipod video, so I was hoping that someone did know of a program for then ipod video..

Thanks in advance :)

Edited by Meteor~
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No it's new, but like 6months old now

It isn't a new problem, it has always been like this

It's because of a new EU policy on hearing damage created by mp3 players that apple had to put a limit on the volume, there have been created several programs to delete this limit, I just couldn't find any for an ipod video :(

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Mine has done that too. :S When i first got it, it was well loud, but now has lost some of its volume :(

Perhaps an Update when you plugged it into iTunes, apple may have decided they needed to place a piece of software onto the iPod's top stop hearing damage/headphone damage?

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