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Msn Ideas


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Alright guys, basically my gf's laptop at uni won't let her use msn. And msn won't let her use an older version, tried using trillion but you can't import contacts so it would take ages to add them all again.

So basically, recommend me some please


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Alright guys, basically my gf's laptop at uni won't let her use msn. And msn won't let her use an older version, tried using trillion but you can't import contacts so it would take ages to add them all again.

So basically, recommend me some please


Could use web messenger?

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Alright guys, basically my gf's laptop at uni won't let her use msn. And msn won't let her use an older version, tried using trillion but you can't import contacts so it would take ages to add them all again.

So basically, recommend me some please


There is a way of using an old version of MSN :) Firstly download MSN Messenger 7.5 and install that, but do not run it yet as that will make you upgrade to the new one (which is shit imo)

Then you basically want to fool MSN into thinking your using a computer with windows 2000 which aren't compatible with the new MSN. Find where MSN is installed and right click msnmsgr.exe and select 'run in windows 2000 mode' on the compaitiblity tab.

Then when you run MSN it won't make you upgrade.

Hope that helps :)

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