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Hddvd - Blueray


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Just wondering have anybody got any opinions ?.

Just as people are getting used to DVD's and the loads of different formats that these can comprise of they have gone and thrown 2 more formats in the mix. BRay higher capacity 50gb HDdvd 30gb incompatible with each other, BRay players average 100-150 more expensive. Xbox got HDdvd, PS3 BRay. Who do you think will come out on top, and why or do you even care. Sony computers are supporting BRay as they invented it Tosh are supporting HDdvd, I think its a really bad time for the consumer as regards HD dvd's.

Its a little more at stake with this than there ever was with the betamax vhs war sony lost that one.

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Dvd player that supports both ( i do believe there is a company that is doing that i cant remember who) but that will sort it!

I couldnt really care to be honest, i have a blu-ray player because its part of the PS3, otherwise i wouldnt even think about getting either of them! It's far too early to even decide which of them to go for.

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If you have decembers issue of Loaded then turn to page 127 for loads of different bits of kit.

The dual format dvd player is 'LG BH200 Super Multi Blue' £500


Edit: the one on their website is the old model apparently..

Edited by James
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This may seem like a strange post but it was a conversation that came about in a lecture.

I'm on a Music Tech course at University and Sony are apparently really bad at marketing their new technology ideas, Mini Disc for example...

Anyway the conversation was focussed around a discussion of pornography, not becuase everybody in the group are a bunch of seedy scum bags but because Sony did exactly the same with Betamax. I'm no expert like so don't quote me but heres a link relating to this.


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yeh we had a similar discussion at uni, it may sound stupid but Ive got a feeling it will be the straw that breaks the camels back.

Hope so anyway, ive just bought the xbox hd dvd drive. got 5 free hd dvds aswell so im pretty chuffed.

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Im not thinking of getting a player but im in the market for a HD video cam for use at work and from what I have been reading about the cams within the price range im looking at they appear to be geared up mainly for the BRay format and use a Sony compression which not all video editors are compat with. I have only just started to look into this and to be honest have already got a headache, ok if you have hd cam can you throw some light on this or thinking about a hd cam for about 1k what would you go for. The cam will be used in a studio for making 30sec clips for the momment anyway, so editing isnt really a problem but we may want to expand on this and also may want to burn HDdisks a few months from now.

ad101 Posted Today, 08:23 PM

wow...that's a ballsy thing to do..

good luck to 'em though- blu ray is better!

Why is BRay better ?

Edited by wrongsideof40
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blu ray has a smaller aperture lens (light diffracts less)...meaning you can get focus it better and get more data on (Y)

thought that was the function of the blue laser in general much much better focus, BRay data is written in a spiral patteren and HDdvd is more of the existing method of writting data.

HDdvd and BRay in a internal drive cool dont spose its a HD writter as well is it?.

I dont give two flying monkey's to be honest.

I dont see a problem with normal DVD's and a decent TV. Unless you're a real anal guy who needs everything to look super duper smooth

''god damn there's one pixel that is two tones too light on my goddamn TV, it's ruined''

Im only intrested because we have a really good use for this video format. But if the dvd burners and media are cheap enough .... you can fit about 35+ full lengh dvd quality divx encoded films on one disk or 60+ on BRay now that would be cool.

Edited by wrongsideof40
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In reply to the first post, the xbox does not come with the hd dvd drive, you have to buy it sepretly. I already have a blu ray player but no blu rays to play on atm. I think blu ray will win but in the end, i reckon everything will be downloaded.

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thought that was the function of the blue laser in general much much better focus, BRay data is written in a spiral patteren and HDdvd is more of the existing method of writting data.

yes indeed....blue light "spreads out" less than other colours since it has a smaller wavelength...

in the blu ray they pass this through a smaller aperture so it is better focused (they've essentially cut out only the centre of the beam which was going in a straighter line in the first place..)...but you have less light to work with so, the data track is nearer the surface than in hd-dvd meaning they had to develop special coatings which protect the surface from scratches, repels grease etc (needs to be much more durable than on a dvd since it needs to be a much thinner layer, but they have...so blu ray is better)...

and yeah..it goes in a spiral (Y)


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I would prefer blu-ray to be the winner as it does hold more data and is more technologically advanced, however its just sooo expensive. £500 for a writer for the pc and the stand alone players (baring ps3) are also very expensive. However I have watched films on both Blu-ray and HD-DVD and I would say that HD-DVD is actually better quality as it does use a different codec, and the films actually come out at the same size eg 15gb, the extra space is used for extras which I personally do not have much use for so I do not see much benefit of Blu-ray over HD-DVD for films and media as such.

Its advantage is in the computing industry where its larger layer size allows more to be backed up to discs, however with the prices of flash memory falling I dont think it will be long before we see software distributed via flash drives or similar as it has a quicker read rate than an optical disc, also with the size of hard drives available and some big companies distributing via direct downloads you dont need to store so much on optical formats, so soon its advantage in the compuing industry will be worth nothing, in my opinion.

There are a lot of good points about both however I dont see why they cannot just agree, mainly because the two opposing teams want a monopoly so they get all the cash, however what harm has ever come from competition, games consoles for example, they only get better because of the competition, intel and amd also push each other to try and be the best. If these formats co-exist its just like choosing and intel based computer over an amd based computer or the xbox 360 over a ps3, everyone has their own reasons for it.

Im not too fussed which wins, so long as prices drop a bit and more films come out :P

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I would prefer blu-ray to be the winner as it does hold more data and is more technologically advanced, however its just sooo expensive. £500 for a writer for the pc and the stand alone players (baring ps3) are also very expensive. However I have watched films on both Blu-ray and HD-DVD and I would say that HD-DVD is actually better quality as it does use a different codec, and the films actually come out at the same size eg 15gb, the extra space is used for extras which I personally do not have much use for so I do not see much benefit of Blu-ray over HD-DVD for films and media as such.

Its advantage is in the computing industry where its larger layer size allows more to be backed up to discs, however with the prices of flash memory falling I dont think it will be long before we see software distributed via flash drives or similar as it has a quicker read rate than an optical disc, also with the size of hard drives available and some big companies distributing via direct downloads you dont need to store so much on optical formats, so soon its advantage in the compuing industry will be worth nothing, in my opinion.

There are a lot of good points about both however I dont see why they cannot just agree, mainly because the two opposing teams want a monopoly so they get all the cash, however what harm has ever come from competition, games consoles for example, they only get better because of the competition, intel and amd also push each other to try and be the best. If these formats co-exist its just like choosing and intel based computer over an amd based computer or the xbox 360 over a ps3, everyone has their own reasons for it.

Im not too fussed which wins, so long as prices drop a bit and more films come out :P

Some very intresting points, I think along the same lines as you on this one.

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