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Old News, But Still.... Wtf.


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Few years back, but all the same WTF!

like the gingerbread "person" not man, as man would be sexist.

and mohhamed the bear? I dunno but surley its like calling a teddy jesus?

These arnt racist views or anything? as far as Im aware anyway :S


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and mohhamed the bear?

Following that story, Sooty decided to cancel his tour of Jamaica...

Seriously though, political correctness has gone too far in this country, call a white British person a c*nt, it's because they're a c*nt, call a person of any other ethnic origin a c*nt it's because of their religion/skin colour and you're liable to be hung, drawn and quatered

It's about time we had a government that aren't a bunch of complete pussys, stop making laws to rectify stupid laws and bring back some proper punishment :)

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Seriously though, political correctness has gone too far in this country, call a white British person a c*nt, it's because they're a c*nt, call a person of any other ethnic origin a c*nt it's because of their religion/skin colour and you're liable to be hung, drawn and quatered

Daily Mail readers ooozing onto TF I see...

Well, you're as narrow minded as the those you blindly follow in a media induced haze of fear and paranoia. Let me guess, you're also worried about immigrants coming over here and the thought that Britain might lose it's identity if we adopt the Euro and all end up sitting in Cafes all day eating 'jambon et pomme frites' and surrender at the first glimpse of a tank gun.

Well if you call a black person a c*nt then that's fine. If you call them nigger, that isn't. It's the subtle - at least to some - difference between calling someone a b*****d, and calling them a black b*****d. One is racist, one isn't. If someone claims that what you said is racist, then that's the fault of their own intelligence, or they've run out of decent arguments and have resorted to name calling.

I'm glad people are sensitive to the problems of racism and can moderate their language or behaviour to suit the situation. Frankly I'd rather people worried a bit about if they should call it Happy Holidays or Happy Christmas than see whole ethnic groups have their cultures steamrollered and themselves marginalised because as a country we had large scale institutionalised racism.

Call a spade a spade, go ahead, it's ok. At the same time, be sensitive to those around you so we can learn from each other and all get along.

Want to see something that isn't racist? Try this for size. It's okay.

NOTE AS MOD: In this post I've used offensive terms, but in a suitable context to make a point. This thread is not an excuse to air your views on how people should 'go home if they don't like it' or how 'they should speak english if they want to live here'. Believe me, mods will be watching and warning/banning as appropriate.

'Ah' you say, 'your post is offensive and you should be banned, you sandal wearing hippy.' It's a good point well made, if you think Jeremy Kyle should really be on BBC4 with the other clever programmes. To this end I say this; If this thread is genuinely racist or offensive then I'm happy for me to get the same punishment as anyone else would. Just because I'm a moderator doesn't make me above the rules.

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Want to see something that isn't racist? Try this for size. It's okay.

Haha, i laughed at that, then watched it 3 more times :P

Im not going to express my views in this thread as i think they will be classed as inapropriate! And the last thing i want to do is start offending people!

Im off to watch that youtube clip again :lol:

Edited by _Owen.
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yawn whilst reading the daily mail hate post.

Such a well reasoned, insightful post. Well done. You obviously read the whole post, thought, and came up with a response, and you didn't just read the first line of the post and thought that's what I was having a go at.

After all, that's the sort of thing a Daily Mail reader would do.

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Haha, i laughed at that, then watched it 3 more times :P

Im not going to express my views in this thread as i think they will be classed as inapropriate! And the last thing i want to do is start offending people!

Im off to watch that youtube clip again :lol:

I do see what hes saying on some of the points! but he does pick out the minoraty. If we didnt have imigrants in the country we wouldnt be the same. I agree with the ones who want to have a better life and come over here so the sake of there children. But when there wanting to live in our astates around the country and put nothing back into the system its not right.

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But when there wanting to live in our estates around the country and put nothing back into the system its not right.

How's that different to british nationals who sponge off the state, get council houses and benefits and put nothing back into the system?

It's the way this country is heading!

Do you think that Al Murray Pub Landlord has the right idea?

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I don't give a shit, I go to college with "pakis", "niggers", "chinks", and of course the rest of the "dirty whiteys", and we get on brilliant, we had a real loling session at the teddy bear being called mohammad.

We have never had any racial problems, it's never even insinuated or even thought about. None of the blokes who aren't white mind being asked stuff like, "how do you feel about being called a nigger?". They told me to check how I spelled it and how I say it. If I mean "nigga", then it's fine. We have never argued or anything.

So yeh, the real people behind the other backgrounds, religions or anything else are just plain normal and fine.

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This is slightly off the subject of political correctness, but this is the kind of thing you are trying to get at.

Tell me one reason why diversity is a problem?

if you think of it properly, you will see that without immigrants this country wouldn't survive.

When i go to live in america for uni next year, i already know that on the whole everyone is far more welcomed than they are here, you have to realise that the 'threat' from immigrants and foreigners is not anywhere near as great as you think from when you read your right wing newspapers.

I agree totally with F-Stop Junkie and am sort of irritated to be writing on a topic about basically someone venting their uneducated views. what resolve do you aim to get from a biased topic in chit chat?

Edited by feest
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In my experience, people like my Grandparents are racist. I don't know what paper they read, but by the sound of it, the Daily Mail.

They hate, "colours" as they always say, (really f**ks me off, they always say the colours), because they are convinced that they come here to get benfits, a council house and to bum about. It doesn't matter how many times you explain, they don't get it.

They move here, wait for it...


They will do any job going, for 14 hours a day, 7 days a week, because they can not only afford to buy food, but also, clothes, rent a flat, and do all the normal stuff!

While perfecting their english and getting their british passports sorted out.

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Daily Mail readers ooozing onto TF I see...

For a start I base my opinion on what I see and experience around me, not on what I'm told by the media.

Let me guess, you're also worried about immigrants coming over here and the thought that Britain might lose it's identity if we adopt the Euro

You think Britain even has an identity worth worrying about anymore? Imigrants do annoy me to a degree yes, they can drive without a driving licence, in a car without tax, without risk of being caught speeding. And why do you think so many immigrants come to this country? It certainly aint for the weather! It's an easy ride and we're too soft to change that.

Well if you call a black person a c*nt then that's fine. If you call them nigger, that isn't.

Why? If a black man called me a honky whitebread bitch I wouldn't claim it's racial descrimination/hatred, take it on the chin like anyone else would! Sticks and stones and all that!

I'm glad people are sensitive to the problems of racism and can moderate their language or behaviour to suit the situation. Frankly I'd rather people worried a bit about if they should call it Happy Holidays or Happy Christmas than see whole ethnic groups have their cultures steamrollered and themselves marginalised because as a country we had large scale institutionalised racism.

How would other countries and cultures react if say for example a few thousand Britains went to Pakistan and demanded they celebrate Chritmas and erected several churches in our name, it just wouldn't happen! Celebrate whatever religious festivals you want, but you can't expect to move to a new country and have them accommodate for it!

I don't consider myself racist, I take people for who they are, but I think we as a nation need to have a re-think what racism actually is.

How's that different to british nationals who sponge off the state, get council houses and benefits and put nothing back into the system?

It's not, the whole country is going down the pan, because in the end there'll be more people taking out of the pot than putting in, taxes already take the p*ss and we're heading towards a total economy collapse.

And yes you guessed it, back to the whole point of my argument, it's because WE'RE TOO DAMN SOFT!

Edited by Jolfa
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How would other countries and cultures react if say for example a few thousand Britains went to Pakistan and demanded they celebrate Chritmas and erected several churches in our name, it just wouldn't happen! Celebrate whatever religious festivals you want, but you can't expect to move to a new country and have them accommodate for it!

I think alot of us would get shot on the spot and the rest taken hostage! The muslims in my town are trying to get one our currently disused churches into a mosque and for what to train some more terrorists! When I see videos on the news of schools in london with one or two white kids surrounded buy muslims and blacks you realise how out of control our goverment has let imigration get! ARRRRRRRRRRR! :angry:

Edited by Boswell
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This thread is pretty interesting and surprising how much people care about others opinions, i can understand racism to an extent , in my town there isnt much of a race mix as of yet, but the poles that have come in have caused a lot of trouble on the whole.

and before i get accused of taking media facts its the truth ive heard of a lot of muggings and one of my best mates got a kicking after handing hois phone over, theres one road notorious for it mind and he was walking down it but still . . .

muggers and rapists should all be dealt with in a true charles bronson style regardless of age gender or race.

spacemunkees post was actually pretty funny too

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I think alot of us would get shot on the spot and the rest taken hostage! The muslims in my town are trying to get one our currently disused churches into a scummy mosque and for what to train some more terrorists! When I see videos on the news of schools in london with one or two white kids surrounded buy muslims and blacks you realise how out of control our goverment has let imigration get!

Woah, woah, woah...

So all Muslims are just terrorists, or terrorists in training? With their 'scummy' mosques? That's racist. Very much so.

Also, you do realise that 'muslims and blacks' (and sikhs, jews, christians, etc...) can be British citizens if they were born here, or have legal resident status? Changing immigration laws, and even getting rid of people who were not born in Britain would still leave us with a multi-cultural society?

I think your attitude needs an adjustment.

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I think alot of us would get shot on the spot and the rest taken hostage! The muslims in my town are trying to get one our currently disused churches into a scummy mosque and for what to train some more terrorists! When I see videos on the news of schools in london with one or two white kids surrounded buy muslims and blacks you realise how out of control our goverment has let imigration get! ARRRRRRRRRRR! :angry:

Woaaahh there Tonto! It's not that any religion is inferior to our primarily Christian society in the UK. The point I was trying to make is that other countries would not willingly acommodate foreigners in the same way we do, and it's peoples views such as yours that if we don't we'll get shot or bombed that's the root of the problem.

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Woah, woah, woah...

So all Muslims are just terrorists, or terrorists in training? With their 'scummy' mosques? That's racist. Very much so.

Also, you do realise that 'muslims and blacks' (and sikhs, jews, christians, etc...) can be British citizens if they were born here, or have legal resident status? Changing immigration laws, and even getting rid of people who were not born in Britain would still leave us with a multi-cultural society?

I think your attitude needs an adjustment.

Ok maybe I did generalise things a bit too much and I edited the "scummy" as I agree I was angry and went too far. :$

Christ Boswell!

Is your first name Adolf?!

I'm sure not all Muslims have the intention of destroying the western civilisation.

Maybe not but the ones that do make me sooo angry! :angry:

PS. I think im quarter german! :lol:

Edited by Boswell
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