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I Need Money!


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I have just run into a load of brick walls with money issues and I need a quick and easy way to get some money... If anybody has any great ideas that will solve my problems then please come here are tell me! I am in great need of money at the moment!

Please come and help!


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work and why have you posted here

Because I need it urgent and I know that not all new members are dumb so they can help me out... If I posted it in chit chat then I wouldn’t have as many replies because new members can not reply as you know.... Work... ok yes that would be a great idea but what job could I get?

Explain why and I might be able to offer some help.

The reason I need money is to be able to buy double disk for my Monty and just to buy train trips to ride and things...

work? aint it a bit obvious :S

Where could I work? I can’t find any jobs that would take a 13 year old and still pay good.

Sorry I for got to mention my age :blink:

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how old are you

I'm 13 years of age.

(Sell your sister).

I’ve tried that but I ended up having to pay them :(.

No seriously I need proper answers!


Sorry about the double post :blink: .

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Uhm..... sell sell sell sell sell umm sell.. your ps2 games?

Good idea but I would still need another £100 if I want to get my disks. I would only get about £20 out of the games :( I need more ideas come on people.

Craig. :).

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Dude theres no quick, easy way of getting money, otherwise everyone would be doing it.

Sell your stuff is the most viable option, if you have a Playstation thats about £100 or so, old bike bits, whatever.

Ask your parents if they have any jobs you could do for a bit of dollar, ask neighbours if they need lawns cutting/cars washed etc.

Paper round?

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Dude theres no quick, easy way of getting money, otherwise everyone would be doing it.

Sell your stuff is the most viable option, if you have a Playstation thats about £100 or so, old bike bits, whatever.

Ask your parents if they have any jobs you could do for a bit of dollar, ask neighbours if they need lawns cutting/cars washed etc.

Paper round?

OK... I'v asked mum and dad if i can sell playstation... answer No!

I'v Washed cars and all i was receving i was spending on more thingd to buy to wash cars... I tried to up the price... Nobdy wants to have it done...

And round my area the gardens are massive and it takes a good 2 hours do do it and you only get about £4.

I have asked about the paper rounds and their is none avalible at the moment :(. I am stuck and need lots of hlep!


Oh Yes A Pic Of My Garden! (just For The Size!).


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Dude theres no quick, easy way of getting money, otherwise everyone would be doing it.

Sell your stuff is the most viable option, if you have a Playstation thats about £100 or so, old bike bits, whatever.

Ask your parents if they have any jobs you could do for a bit of dollar, ask neighbours if they need lawns cutting/cars washed etc.

Paper round?

Wrong! Waht about prostitution! You'll have a very raw asshole though! :P

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