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High Bb Vs Low Bb


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So which is better I know alot of it is prob. Rider preference but can some explain what the major differences are when it comes to riding? I am going to be new to a trials specific frame either stock or mod . . So lets say adamant A2 06 +55 bb or echo pure 06 +15 or Zoo Pitbull +25. What would make one of these better than the other as far as bb rise is concerned? anything? All Long Version as well.


Coxy :$

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It is totally down to prefernce and riding stye, a high bb is no good for streety riding such as bunnyhops. High bb is believed to give better control on the back wheel but i found that it just restricted me on moves. No frame is better than the other because of bb, just different geos suit different people. If you going to stock or starting trials on it, it is usually better to go for a frame with a mid bb between 10-30 i would say as high bb can be love or hate. But also you will find out there are alot of variables with geo theres also chainstay lenght that makes a difference wheelbase and reach along with headangles. At a beginner level theres no point bothering about all these so much and with time and getting better and riding different frames youll start to find out what you like.

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It is totally down to prefernce and riding stye, a high bb is no good for streety riding such as bunnyhops. High bb is believed to give better control on the back wheel but i found that it just restricted me on moves. No frame is better than the other because of bb, just different geos suit different people. If you going to stock or starting trials on it, it is usually better to go for a frame with a mid bb between 10-30 i would say as high bb can be love or hate. But also you will find out there are alot of variables with geo theres also chainstay lenght that makes a difference wheelbase and reach along with headangles. At a beginner level theres no point bothering about all these so much and with time and getting better and riding different frames youll start to find out what you like.

Not really true about bunnyhopping high bb frames. I find bunnyhopping my '07 GU just as easy as my old short Echo Pure or short Zoo! Pitbull.

I'm sure Ali C posted on OTN about his Echo Hifi and said it was easier to bunnyhop etc.

No frame is better than another because different riders like different geo's. If one type of geo was the best then there would only be one type of frame available.

Edited by banananana
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I went from a +0ish Koxx Levelboss to a +55 Echo Hifi and found it gave me much more confidence on the back wheel, but I couldn't tap as well and geting up stuff to 2 wheels was harder because of the bb height.

I then changed to a +35 Czar and foudn it to suit me perfectly, with the possible exception of the chainstays being a tad too short.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Another advantage of high bb's is that obviously there's alot more ground clearance, which really helps with moves such as hooks.

However a lower bb is alot more stable when riding on two wheels due to the lower centre of gravity.

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I can't stand high BB (and I'm riding a A2 long atm) Can't wait to go back to something low again...

Not sure why I don't like it..It just doesn't feel right.

Maybe you need to hang out with Damon Watson, god only knows how the hell hes been able to go so massive on his 60+ 08 GU Typhoon. though he does run low tyre pressures which helps a bit.

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