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Justg Got Back Into The Swing Of Things


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first of all i am very pleased that this website is still going, i feel very old at now 21, last time i posted on one of these i was 15 no doubt wearing a blink 182 t shirt or sumthing along those lines hahah

just been out on my trials bike after building it back up and dialling it back in, which i was shocked i could still remember to do

i am hooked again, rode around all the old spots i used to ride every day when i was younger, and did a few things which i knew i would always be able to do, and looked at stuff which i thought i had no chance years ago and now think..... hmmmmm i think i could probably do that now

thank you trials i have missed you

cant wait to ride again tomorrow and also to get back into the discussions, the top tips and also need to seek out a pashley 26ghz (if they still make them) because now i work i have to the money to get myself one.

so whats changed guys?

chris king still make hubs? or are there better options now, looking on ebay at the moment at them, seriously considering buying one but want to know wether there are other companies, no doubt that i have never heard of which do what they do better

look forward to your replies


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chris king still make hubs? or are there better options now, looking on ebay at the moment at them, seriously considering buying one but want to know wether there are other companies, no doubt that i have never heard of which do what they do better


Yeah they do and no still none not much better as i know, Profile are quite good but dont think they have the edge on king.

My friend has jsut invested in a king and is very pleased with it, ive wrode it abit and its excellent they just engage so fast because of them having lots of engagment points, it really helped my riding and could tell the difference only after a few goes on his bike! :turned:


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first of all i am very pleased that this website is still going, i feel very old at now 21, last time i posted on one of these i was 15 no doubt wearing a blink 182 t shirt or sumthing along those lines hahah

just been out on my trials bike after building it back up and dialling it back in, which i was shocked i could still remember to do

i am hooked again, rode around all the old spots i used to ride every day when i was younger, and did a few things which i knew i would always be able to do, and looked at stuff which i thought i had no chance years ago and now think..... hmmmmm i think i could probably do that now

thank you trials i have missed you

cant wait to ride again tomorrow and also to get back into the discussions, the top tips and also need to seek out a pashley 26ghz (if they still make them) because now i work i have to the money to get myself one.

so whats changed guys?

chris king still make hubs? or are there better options now, looking on ebay at the moment at them, seriously considering buying one but want to know wether there are other companies, no doubt that i have never heard of which do what they do better

look forward to your replies


It's good to hear that people like yourself are getting back into trials (Y). As for Chris King they're still probably the best brand out when it comes to hubs and you might aswell invest in one. I've been on couple of bikes with CK hubs and they're brilliant.

Edited by Headley
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thanks guys, seriously want one mite have to dabble......

can you run them straight out of the box on a trials bike, or do u need a trials kit or somthing to that effect?

ive missed this advice!!!!!

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Yer chris king are still a big brand and pritty popular. Before getting your heart set on a pashley, id try getting to a big group ride checking some of the newer geo's out and seeing if you like them. The older frames seem to be out date'd now, alot of people ride them and stuff but the geo has completly changed.

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