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Strange Things

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Bike wise, this was the oddest: me and a mate were out riding, found a new gap and climbed up to check it out, leaving the bikes below. After a few minutes we climbed back down, only to find that all five of my mates chainring bolts had unscrewed themselves and vanished. The bikes were lying six feet from us on a flat surface in the middle of a paved square. Nobody had approached the bikes whilst we'd been off them and after hunting around for 40 minutes we still couldn't find the bolts. To this day we haven't a clue what happened.

Non bike wise was essentially sitting in the middle of a robbery in progress. Me and some friends were out on Christmas day testing our bikes out in the local supermarkets carpark (we'd just started riding and were trying backhops and stuff), when a bunch of crackheads in a hijacked car careered past us and smashed right into Tesco's front door. They all ran inside and went for the pharmacy before making off with their ill gotten paracetamol. The whole thing happened in a matter of seconds, leaving us sitting there going :blink:

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Bike wise, this was the oddest: me and a mate were out riding, found a new gap and climbed up to check it out, leaving the bikes below. After a few minutes we climbed back down, only to find that all five of my mates chainring bolts had unscrewed themselves and vanished. The bikes were lying six feet from us on a flat surface in the middle of a paved square. Nobody had approached the bikes whilst we'd been off them and after hunting around for 40 minutes we still couldn't find the bolts. To this day we haven't a clue what happened.

Ah, good old Hamish. I miss you.

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My old T-Pro feeling all wierd and floppy, then I noticed the down tube was almost in two pieces. (N)

I'd only had the b*****d thing for 6 weeks. It was second hand but I'd borrowed money to buy it, so before I could buy a new frame I had to pay off the debt.

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Back to topic ,

This is just the most random thing but yesterday after 2 years of riding :rolleyes:

I realised my seat was missing on my gu :mellow:

I couldent understand it at first then i realised it must be one of them special bikes for doing tricks on such as click this

I think it's not meant to have a seat. :unsure:

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Heya !

whats the most strangest thing tht has happened to you whilst out trials riding :)

mine has got to be when i was riding and and i had a bukkled wheel , and i hadnt even done any hope or nothing jusr riding to get to town :(

Whats Yours ?

haha i had the same my front wheel buckled and it was a alex rim didnt notice it at first lol

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ok on a serios note,

Not me but still weird

we was riding leeds and was just stood chatting then heard this massive pop

A car had driven over a bottle and the lid blew off anf his phill monks on the forehead

he was around 15mtrs away from the road and was also in preload :giggle:

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my mates threw some sweets at a chav, n four of his mates got out a car behind him. got chased around by these 5 chavs for over 3 hours who then backed down when we stopped running. mod trials bikes are the slowest thing in the world


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I wasn't actually riding at the time but i'd gone round a mates after a ride and was playing darts in his garage. Our bikes were leaning against a worktop just infront of where i was throwing darts from.

I threw my first dart - 20

Threw my second dart - double 20

Threw my third dart and it hits back of the metal comes flying back towards me and lands in my front tyre.

Only just finished building it about 3 days earlier and then got a puncture from a dart about two miles away from home. =[

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