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Magura Louise Help Please!


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I have a magura louise front brake on my coust and it has started to reduce in leverage and develop play in the lever quite quickly. I have tightened it by using a 2mm allen key but after a day its back down to the leverage I really dont like. When i tighten it up aswell there is no play but after one ride its got a fair bit. This is really annoying me because it came new on my coust and if its f**king up already I wont be too happy.

So can anyone tell me why it is doing this andif it can be sorted? There is deffinately no leaks or anything because the lever isnt spongy. But after one ride its really close to the bar :(

Help would be much appreciated :)

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Awww man!

That sucks.

I don't really know anything about what it could be... Unless like ... your pads are pushing out or something but I highly doubt that. :$

Only one solution

Get an HS33.


But then id need to get new forks and then my rim wont be gold no more :(

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That is the same problem that I had with mine remember Ross, didn't you say it was something to do with the pads?

Your pads were worn down to the bare metal. mine have tons of life in them. And I know its not the pads or anything. the bleed is perfect. Im fairly sure its the lever thats the problem. It has developed alot of play :(

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ive had a louise freeride for about a year and a half

but now all of a sudden its doing the same thing as youres is doing

and i no how annoying it can be mate :lol:

ive had a look but aint got the foggiest on how to solve it

i just carry a 2.5mm allen key with me in my pocket on a ride (Y)

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Yea Mine came with my Coust which i got in November! :angry:

Thought Id at least get a year from it :(

i got mine with my silver t-mag from super cycles july 2007

remember the day like it was yesturday :P

it was fine until i touched the screw though

i just thought it cud perform better and now it allways come loose (N)

maybe if i never touched it it wud still b ok now???

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  • 7 months later...


I have the same problem!!!!

The problem is that the screw moves himself and change the pressure of blade after a few hours of riding...

The screw is not fixed to strongly to blade to stay fixed.

I'm trying to dismount a blade and put some stuff in the screw with the objective to fix better the screw........

How can I dismount the body of magura louise to take out the lever blade?????

In Magura web don't explain well...

Thank you!!

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