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High Bb

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I personally think its beneficial to learn on a low bb. This teaches you more about how body weight effects the bike rather than having the bike do some of the work for you.

Some may disagree, but I can't think of anyone great who started on a high bb bike.

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Ali's right... Your able to get a better feel for balancing points and weight transfering on a lower BB, but some say that if you are changing from mod to stock its better to go for a higher BB stock frame.

As for the Zoo! in good condition bare frame is surely worth between £60-£80?


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easier to ride, but lots harder to learn on!!!

lower bb's are more fun i recon, had a t-rex which is (0 bb hight i think) and was sooo much fun.....riding echo hifi now (+55) really easy to ride but feels really 'twichy'...sensitive to ride!

if that helps??!?!?

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i used to train on a GT zaskar which is a mountain bike frame which has a negative bb high..

and after i changed to a Crescent Ilions i felt so much of different in geometry. with the higher bb, i was so confident of doing big moves..

my say would be learning it from a low bb trials bike first and you would feel that changing to a high bb frame makes move so much easiler..

Edited by Kel
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To be fair so long as the frame you are learning on is trials specific and not too extreme (i.e. not vinco or similar mental frames) you should be fine with a high or low bb.

I agree that lower bbs are more fun though, especially to a less experienced rider, maybe because they feel more like a 'normal' bike.

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