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West Wales Bike Trials


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Opening soon in Carmarthen (west wales) is West Wales Bike Trials,a small indoor venue set up for riding trials during the winter.I have gathered a large number of pallets,cable reels and other items to make the riding as interesting and technical and fun as it can be.Some of you have already been to the barn during last winter and i would like to open up the opportunity to more of you.The venue has basic camping facilities (both indoor and out) so if you want to make a weekend of it that's cool.It will only be open part time and entry is by booking only due to a limited number of space for riders (10 or so at a time).For more info please feel free to contact me (via the trials forum or on my email) idlehans@btinternet.com.


idlehans (nick patience)





Hello all,thanks very much for the interest you've shown in West Wales Bike Trials.Here are a couple of pics of the barn taking shape so you can see what's going on.It will look different when it's ready and it will change layout as diffrerent riders come and go.We can change the layout an the size and shape of the obstacles according to your imagination and ability so if you want to side hop bigger and bigger,no problem.If you want to tap higher and higher,no problem.You get the idea.I've set up a facebook group called WestWales Bike Trials so please feel free to join and see what's going on(there are a few more pics on there as well).I'll keep everyone updated whenever i can both here on the forum and through the facebook site.Hope you like the pics (i've put a couple of short vids up in the vids section of the forum so check them out too.


Idlehans (nick patience)

Edited by idlehans
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Opening soon in Carmarthen (west wales) is West Wales Bike Trials,a small indoor venue set up for riding trials during the winter.I have gathered a large number of pallets,cable reels and other items to make the riding as interesting and technical and fun as it can be.Some of you have already been to the barn during last winter and i would like to open up the opportunity to more of you.The venue has basic camping facilities (both indoor and out) so if you want to make a weekend of it that's cool.It will only be open part time and entry is by booking only due to a limited number of space for riders (10 or so at a time).For more info please feel free to contact me (via the trials forum or on my email) idlehans@btinternet.com.


idlehans (nick patience)

this place is perfect for the people that dont want to go out when its tipping it down outside.

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Opening soon in Carmarthen (west wales) is West Wales Bike Trials,a small indoor venue set up for riding trials during the winter.I have gathered a large number of pallets,cable reels and other items to make the riding as interesting and technical and fun as it can be.Some of you have already been to the barn during last winter and i would like to open up the opportunity to more of you.The venue has basic camping facilities (both indoor and out) so if you want to make a weekend of it that's cool.It will only be open part time and entry is by booking only due to a limited number of space for riders (10 or so at a time).For more info please feel free to contact me (via the trials forum or on my email) idlehans@btinternet.com.


idlehans (nick patience)

Hi dudes,thanks for the interest you guys have shown in West Wales Bike Trials,i'm opening the doors on saturday 10th of october and I can't wait.We had some great sessions in there last winter as some of you know and i've made some more space so i can probably fit in a few more riders.I'm currently in the process of designing flyers and stuff and taking pictures of the set up so you can all see what i'm on about.I've also set up a facebook group (called West Wales Bike Trials,funnily enough)so you can catch up with things on there as well and i'll update those as regularly as i can.Prices are £5 per evening and £10 for the day.I don't have a price for the camping senario yet but it will be very reasonable.Thanks for the feedback (hi ozzy,hi matt, it'll be good to see you boys riding here again)and i'll hopefully see you soon.

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yoo intrested in coming up with mates just wanted to see some pictures? Before we head up to see if its worth the trip.

Hi Kyle,I'm going to be taking pictures of the barn tomorrow (friday) and i'll put them up for all to see in the evening.

Thanks for taking an interest,I hope you'll like what you see !



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Count me in for that Nick, i'll be there on the 10th.

Also are you going to the shipley comp? I need to sort out a ride..

Hiya Cai,how's your shin healin' ? (why don't you silly sods use shin pads ?) I am going to shipley but I'm not sure who's going with who yet. I'm riding this time and i can only take 3 people and 3 bikes but i'm sure we can sort something.see you soon.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello everyone,I've unfortunately had to postpone the official opening of West Wales Bike Trials for a week due to a technical hitch but the good news is that the barn is ready.We are still going to ride in there but with friends only for now.I'm putting a few pics up off the barn in its present incarnation for you to see and I hope you like them.



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  • 2 weeks later...
why cant there be places like this everywhere, so we cant get told to move on to the nearest skate park by an old women or police :)

looks jolly exitingg matey,, keep up the good work

oli xxx

Hey Oli,thanks for your comments,it's really encouraging to hear that kind of thing. Have you seen the vid yet ? There's more to come and i'll be posting more in due course.


Nick (Y)

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Nick not sure if you're gna get this, but me and dan are heading over tonight! Ill text dave and ozzy now too.

Also im driving for the first time now, so can I have either a post code or google maps location please? :)

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