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Echo Vs Zoo Vs Gu

Tom Dunwoody

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Hi my names tom ,and im after a good trials bike that is light quite small like 995-1005mm wheel base and at a reasonable price like £400 :unsure: . If anybody has got a bike like this that the want to sell please leave a message.


I would like one of the bikes in the title by the way. :lol:

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Not aloud to buy/sell in new members and i doubt your going to find a a deng bike with that wheelbase ;)

But if you really want one you could just get a high bar/stem combo.

There are quite a few Deng frames out at the moment with short geometry, take a look at these.






I doubt you are going to find a decent full build bike for that amount of money, but maybe start out on an Onza bird or whatever you can get your hands on, they seem perfectly fine to learn on :).

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why are you worried about having alight bike to start? i had a mission prodigy and it was a tank. loved it mind you, and then i built another 3 terrible bikes since that untill i eventually got a zoo! and the zoo wasn't even that light. just get what you want, not what you think other people might like/want.

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Yeah the difference in wheelbase isn't going to help you out with your hight. The shortest and longest of frames will give you a difference of about 7cm axle to axle.

You can check out the kids bikes section of tartybikes:


But I think a full sized mod wouldn't be an issue for someone who's 4ft 5". Especially if you'll grow into it over the next year or so. In that case check out the onza range.

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