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HI guys am looking for some ideas on helmets. I use a 661 bmx style helmet at the moment but notice most people now use an XC style helmet.

Is there any reason to why people opt for the Xc style? is it a fashion or are they stronger?

thanks chris

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its just down to preference really, the 'pisspot' or bmx helmets are stronger and give better coverage, however xc ones will keep your head cooler while you ride and if you do normal mountain biking as well as trials its alot cheaper to use the same one.

But if i was you i wouldn't rush out to buy another helmet just yet!


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I have the 661 Dirt Lid for riding trials, I guess you probably have that one or the Mullet.

I think the advantages of the BMX (piss pot) style helmets is that they cover your head a lot better including the back of your head where most XC helmets don’t. Also I’ve covered mine in stickers and I can’t do that with My XC helmet because it’s got vents all over it.

On the other hand XC style helmets will stop you from melting when riding but with winter setting in that’s not going to be so much of a problem. There also more expensive especially if you want a decent one. I think they look better though.

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I ride a giro xen and giro semi mx. I use them as they are a lot lighter than bmx lids but the main thing is how much better they are at allowing air flow. I think pisspots look good but i've personally never had one that fits as comfortbaly which is why i stick with the giros.

The xen is a lovely helmet, very light, very comfortable and breathable but it is expensive. My semi mx is old and you cant buy them anymore but they're half way between a piss pot an xc lid. Its got great coverage around the back of the head, comes down very low (good for trials) it looks good but its not got many holes so its more of a winter helmet. I do think it is however much more comfotable than the xen.

I tried a try-all pisspot and hated it. Sent it straight back as the fit was disgusting.

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The xc helmits are lighter too, maybe thats why its used so offten. Another tip is the professional looking and the ventilations. I`ll sugest you to try the MET Veleno, it is a bit expensive, but its one of the best helmits on the market.



Aswell the Fox or the Giro E2 looks incredible. But that depends on your budget :santa: .

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It has been said already in this topic but yes, they do offer better air flow, lighter weight and are a lot more comfortable than the pisspots. I would say to get a Xen helmet too as I have tried a few and I wont buy a different helmet now I've used the Xen for so long.

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Wow so many replys, from the answers given above i think i have a good helmet now. as its winter it will keep me warm it looks ok maybe the fitting is a little strange but it still does the job.I have looked at so many helmets over the last few weeks its amazing on the style`s and the cost over the range.

I think im going to stick with what i have and maybe add some stickers B)

When summer comes back to dull wet england i might try the Fox Flux looks cool :)

thanks for all your replys

661 dirt piss pot is the way forward!!!

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I had a Xen and loved it to pieces 'til I lost it somewhere between Wales and Aussie Dave's in Bristol :(

Got a Pro-tec Bucky Lasek Classic now (the proper old one) SO comfortable for a piss pot and weighs next to nothing. It looks sweet, too.

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