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What Bike Shall I Buy?

The Legend

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Hi! I have just started to get into trials biking after riding one of my collegues trial bike. I was wondering what would be a good bike to start with. My budget is round £250 :) Personally I was thinking a MAD Phase 1.3 but apparently it will need its brakes upgrading because they are not powerful enough and the forks are heavy but the frame is very good. :)

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How tall are you because I ride an onza t-comp 08 and it rides nice and if you are getting a mad phase 1.3 have a look at this:


But if you want a 20 inch, have a look at this:


I am 5ft 7 and I thought I would try a 26 inch but it was a lot harder than a 20 inch which is why I have gone back to 20 inch.

Hope this has helped.

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As i said before it depends on your height

at least 4ft 7:MOD

at least 6ft:STOCK

Not true, actually. If you're tall, you'll probably fit a stock better, but there are plenty of big mod riders out there. I seem to recall CLS being one of them.

It's all about setup, if your mod feels cramped, a longer/higher stem will help.

Interestingly enough, the stem geometry affects the BB rise. This is why mods have massive BB rise, because they need longer/higher stems.

Anyway, if you're cramped on your mod and you don't like the feel of a longer/higher stem, a frame with a longer top tube and higher BB rise will even out the difference.


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£250 a great budget, just wait around and soon you will find a great deal! I just got a Onza Proto Ice for £300 and that was my first trials bike and I know someone who got a Zoo Python for £200!

Me :)

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Hi. Thanks for all your replies so far. I am 5ft 7 in height :) if that helps. Also where would I be able to buy a second hand bike apart from ebay? Also the MAD Phase 1.3 has gears so is it a good idea to get a trials bike with gears or not because I have heard very varied opinions on it. :) Thanks

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