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Heatsinkbikes.Com Twitter + New Facebook Site!


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Hi all,

After a quiet start the HeatsinkBikes.com Twitter site is now ready to share:


It is starting to be a steady stream of links to the latest HeatsinkBikes rider videos, and all hot news @ HSB.

I promise to only twitter when there's something worth reading (Y) I'll save up the interesting stuff for posting, and I will be posting at least 2x a week, in fact I'm posting more frequently than that at the moment because of the new rider vids that are starting to come out! There are a few vid links up that I've just posted with some more coming next week B)

Update 28th Feb: New HSB Facebook page

In the last few days I've launched a Heatsinkbikes.com Facebook page. It's already got some good content up including 9 galleries of photos!

  • Photo galleries of HSB prototype parts during the product development process, many of which never got released.
  • Exclusive previews of possible future products for your comments - Are they good or plain rubbish? Please send me your comments via Facebook!
  • Historic photos charting the history of HSB brake pads since 2004


75 followers on FB already after just a few days. Wow! I look forward to more B)

All the best,


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Hey Steve,

Just going to say I didn't know if you wanted to send me across the HSB logo and I could knock up a background for you quickly rather than having a screen print of the website?


Glynn Phillips

Thanks for your kind offer Glynn! This would be much appreciated - You've got mail. (Y)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Looking good, Steve!

Just had a good flick through all the pictures on the Facebook site - Looking at the old HSB pads was wicked!

Thanks Luke!

I've been enjoying the trip down memory lane too as I've been digging out the old photos of components, brake pads etc. Crazy to think it started back in the summer of 2004. Where did the time go?

On the subject of old HSB brake pads, in the Prototype parts gallery is a photo of my first concept for the reuseable magura refill size CNC Vee pads. Rather amusing design now! Proof that first ideas often require some development!


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Hey Steve,

Just wondering if you received the background?

also if you had any ideas of what you would like on it or changes made to the one I did?


Hi Glynn!

That's really kind of you to make up that logo. It's perfect for Twitter (Y) I've made it the new background :)

Thanks again!


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