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New Onza Website Deisgns


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Hey people, Just got into trials before christmas and bought a M.A.D Phase 1.3 the other day that I plan on upgrading as I get better (and find the money).

After coming across the Onza website I couldn't help thinking it looked a bit 'tatty on the edges' if you know what I mean ;) So I decided to have a shot at designing a new layout. Obviously lots of improvements need to be made and although I emailed Onza I've got a feeling there not going to bother replying.

But anyway please tell me what you guys think.



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Thanks for the honest replies! Glad some of you liked the designs. I know If I spend some more time making them look a bit more complete It would look much better than their current site. Especially with a nice animated news box in the centre. Still no reply from Onza and don't expect one :P .

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I don't really like them. I can see what you're going for but I don't think it's working. It's nothing new or original. The glossy effect, 'modern' typography, it's all regurgitated design styles used with no real reasoning. Plus, it has no real business value to them, it's not selling anything to anyone.

It is better than the current design, but that's like saying Margaret Thatcher is hotter than Susan Boyle…

Edited by Bronz
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I don't really like them. I can see what you're going for but I don't think it's working. It's nothing new or original. The glossy effect, 'modern' typography, it's all regurgitated design styles used with no real reasoning. Plus, it has no real business value to them, it's not selling anything to anyone.

It is better than the current design, but that's like saying Margaret Thatcher is hotter that Susan Boyle…

Welcome to my signature sir. That is what we in the North East call 'proper mint'

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I don't really like them. I can see what you're going for but I don't think it's working. It's nothing new or original. The glossy effect, 'modern' typography, it's all regurgitated design styles used with no real reasoning. Plus, it has no real business value to them, it's not selling anything to anyone.

It is better than the current design, but that's like saying Margaret Thatcher is hotter that Susan Boyle…

Although they are my own designs I could not agree more. I just went for the same bloody average design style that every other boring 'web designer' has been using in the last 5 years. However I do think Onza needs a new website that does look as cool and reflects the reputation of their trial bikes. I hope they will kick there current design company into gear.

but that's like saying Margaret Thatcher is hotter that Susan Boyle…

Oh and cheers for putting a massive grin on everyones faces :L

Edited by Olicf
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Welcome to my signature sir. That is what we in the North East call 'proper mint'

Heh, cheers, although I did make a f*cking typo didn't I :S

Although they are my own designs I could not agree more. I just went for the same bloody average design style that every other boring 'web designer' has been using in the last 5 years. However I do think Onza needs a new website that does look as cool and reflects the reputation of their trial bikes. I hope they will kick there current design company into gear.

Oh and cheers for putting a massive grin on everyones faces :L

There's nothing wrong with the designs, they aren't bad—but I just think that you'd have to go a lot further than you have to make a redesign viable.

It's very similar in style, shape and size to their current one (which hasn't been updated in f*cking forever!) I think it needs more whitespace and consistency, more of a brand.

What is it you do? I'm a web designer/developer, maybe collaborate and pitch something big at them… I could do with a new bike ;)

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Heh, cheers, although I did make a f*cking typo didn't I :S

There's nothing wrong with the designs, they aren't bad—but I just think that you'd have to go a lot further than you have to make a redesign viable.

It's very similar in style, shape and size to their current one (which hasn't been updated in f*cking forever!) I think it needs more whitespace and consistency, more of a brand.

What is it you do? I'm a web designer/developer, maybe collaborate and pitch something big at them… I could do with a new bike ;)

Cheers mate! I know the redesigns need a lot of work but I do think If I really thought it would be worth my effort that I could make something very cool for Onza.

Funny you should say about a new bike. The only reason I had a go at a new design was in pure hope that I could tempt them to give me a new Onza bike :P I thought even if they didn't like the designs enough, they might feel a bit of sympathy about how much I wanted a trials bike and just sent me one. :L

(couldn't wait any longer and ended up splashing out on a cheap phase bike to get started with)

I am also a web designer/developer in the free time I can fit around college. Colaborating and Pitching something to them sounds like a smashing idea though! Very interested if you still are.

You got any work you can show me. Two of my latest sites:



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My portfolio: http://csswizardry.com/

I don't do a lot of freelance, as I work full time at an agency, but if you want to know any clients I've worked on/with gimme a shout :)

Thats a nice portfolio. I came across your Web Design+ tips and started having a read; Very very interesting. I bookmarked and will definitely be using these tips in the future.

In terms off CSS/HTML knowledge you must be quite a few lightyears ahead of me but I do hand code all of my projects using (my basic knowledge) of CSS/HTML. Regarding the Onza site, do you use msn so we could have a good talk about it?

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Cheers :)

And yeah, Web Design+ has got a lot of attention across the web, glad you found it useful.

I don't have MSN, but shoot me an email if you like (find it on my site). I will say though, regardless of any proposal you put in front of them, no company will really be inclined to listen. You'd need to approach them as a credible agency rather than someone who's after a bike ;)

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