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Transfer Files To Phone/mp3 Player Terminology.


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Say you've downloaded something music from the internet to your HDD. That's downloading because you take it from an external source to a local point.

You transfer it to an mp3 player. Could this technically be referred to as an upload, since you're taking it away from the PC, or is it strictly a transfer since it's a direct link to a physical drive?

Likewise, transferring footage from a camera to the PC. Is that uploading since you're taking it from a remote point to local, or can it only correctly be called a transfer?

Does it only become an up/download if it's being transferred from an external network, and everything within the local network is a transfer?

I've always called them transfers just because it feels more... proper, but I'm asking for technicalities.

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Downloading is pulling something to your device, uploading is pushing something to a different device. So it depends from which persective you look at it.

Say you've downloaded something music from the internet to your HDD. That's downloading because you take it from an external source to a local point.

You transfer it to an mp3 player. Could this technically be referred to as an upload, since you're taking it away from the PC, or is it strictly a transfer since it's a direct link to a physical drive?

From the PC's perspective you're uploading, from the mp3's perspective your downloading. I think it applies for both physical and digital services.

Likewise, transferring footage from a camera to the PC. Is that uploading since you're taking it from a remote point to local, or can it only correctly be called a transfer?

Yeah, the camera is uploading here, while the PC is downloading. I think a tranfer is an act where the files are moved instead of copied to a repository. An upload/download send/receives a copy.

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