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Good freewheel

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Good luck with that,

I'll get it over with now since someone's going to say it... you're better off getting a FFW and rear sprocket.

May I ask what bike you have? also what cranks are you using?

Might even work out cheaper than a decent 15t... unless you're using a low end Onza, like the rip, then you'll need a new crankset.. I'm waffling now... Sorry..

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FFW is a front freewheel, so If you change your cranks you could fit a 18t freewheel to the front. This is most common on trials bikes.

Your alternative is to find a 15t rear freewheel, ENO and VIZ both do trials specific 16t freewheels, but Im not sure if they need to be threaded a certain way ? anyone ?

Otherwise you could change your rear hub to a freehub, like a Hope Pro 2 Trials (Single Speed) or a Chris King are good for trials, but not necessary, but it will depend on your dropouts, if they are 135mm apart you can do this.

Personally, I would look for a second hand rear wheel with a working freehub on it, the other solutions will probably be more expensive, and the freewheel you have on will probably be hard to get off unless you have a decent bench mounted vice.

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Very good, it seems that around 80% of all bikes (excluding inspireds) have them. I used a rear hub twice and a ffw about 8 times. Use what's more accessible to you, both are good :)

I second that, the new inspired have them too. I run a rear freehub, but FFW is great and I don't notice any difference apart from rear hubs are better in sandy places.

Also: as far as 18t freewheel go, people seem to recommend the Echo SL 108 and the Tensile 60 ?.

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