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hey, I'm Jacob, I'm 14 and just thought I would introduce myself.

I bought an old onza t-vee about a week ago, and have started just doing basic riding. I'm realy enjoying it so far, it's realy addictive though haha.

so what should I be trying to learn? and are there any parts I should think about buying soon as well?

thanks, Jacob.

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First of all, welcome to the forum :)

Second, try take a look at "Ryan leech - mastering the art of trials"
I used this to start and you really can't get a better DVD (Y) (it's also on youtube as individual clips)

As a beginner there shouldn't be anything you need to change, But if you were wanting to upgrade then brakes and freewheel are the things you'll want... But unless they're currently dead then right now they shouldn't be such a problem (Y)

Hope I've helped and happy riding!

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yea, it's got vee brakes on the front and back, I'll try cleaning it all tommorow, thanks :)

where do you get tar from? it had some on the rear when I got it, but when I was out the other day then it started raining and by the time I got back home, it was all rubbed off :(

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Tar+rain=Worst thing ever!!

I'm not going to tell you where to get it from, since I don't want to be blamed since road tax never seems to want to fix the lovely hole you got it from ;)

There's a clue in there ;)

I'd normally advise people not to use tar though, since the slightest bit of moisture and you've had it.. Do you have access to an angle grinder? Rim grinds are a hell of lot better IMO, since you can ride in the wet with no problem..
You also have the option to still use tar if your brake goes poop (no-one knows why, buy it happens to all of us)

Whereas more tar on top of tar just makes it worse:/

I carry tar with me all the time for emergencies (Y)

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I hated my LG compound with a passion..
It all depends on your rim, and It's always mixed opinions with the LG compound

I now stay well clear of TNN because I hated both my belaey and LG pads..
And it's not just me that hated them but A lot of people did too!

I'm yet to hear anything bad about the AD compound though, I've only heard they're amazing off the people that use them..
So if I were you I'd go for the TNN ADV brake pads

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Welcome to the forum!

Another useful resource if you are starting out is this website http://trashzen.com/

It has step by step guides on areas to practice.

Make sure you practice the simple stuff first, trials is so balance based I found working on kick hops and gaps were my biggest first achievements. Being able to handle the bike on one wheel and move it around and in different directions enabled me to progress to understanding where I needed to be on the bike for sidehops, bigger gaps and generally controlling the bike on an obstacle.

Also, get into a group of established riders as well who you can learn from, be seeing someone do it and offer advice on how you can progress.

I have been back on a proper trials bike now for 2 months after a while off and the guys I ride with are awesome at just pointing out ways of doing moves better and advancing my riding.

Hope that helps

Edited by Brettoll
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