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First ride in 10 years


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After a quick fresh grind on a new rim, the new bike was good to go. Just been out for a quick ride, the first in 10 years or so.

Holy mother of god it was hard work!

The basics came back very quickly and I was soon hopping about on the rear, just like before, (not quite as refined though)! But my god it never used to be that intensive!

It's amazing how fit you can be and not even realise it. Back in the day (and as I'm sure most of you are now), riding for hours on end was relatively straight forward. Certainly an eye opener for me and all the more insentive to get back on it and back to somewhere I used to be!

If I can give one bit of advise to any younger riders on here (especially those who are coming up to driving license age!), keep something up on the side when you get your car and don't give up things like riding bikes! If you don't use your fitness as you have it now, where you haven't really had to 'work' for it, you will end up like me and you will find it bloody hard to get it back!

Although being slightly frustrated at my low stamina, it was great to arse about on a bike again! Anyone around Oxon / Northants who fancies laughing at a lanky wheezing oddball on a bike give me a shout and we'll go for a ride!

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I know exactly how you feel, I had about 8 years off before getting back on a bike mid last year, only ridden a handful of times and it is bloody hard work every time - hardest part is things that were really easy before, are now the most difficult of lines to do.

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Yup,i know how that feels. I have only just had my 5th ride in 3 years and its killing me too. Biggest problem is confidence really. Its amazing how cock sure you are when you've been riding all the time. Now suddenly everything is second guessed.

Welcome back buddy!

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Yep here to . I had 7 years away from trials with hardly any xc riding in that time iver. I have been trying to get my fitness up again since I came back in to the sport in June ish or when ever radfest was . yea it does kill but it does get better. I have a few little hang ups that I MUST do now that I am older . 1 a 5min warm up and 2 a back brace (I am 6,8") and wrist guards (tattooist) . I was finding with out them I could no walk for 3 days. It will come back dude but as long as its still fun then it's worth doing . Like that has been said befor ^^ Welcome back dude.

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It's amazing how fit you can be and not even realise it. Back in the day (and as I'm sure most of you are now), riding for hours on end was relatively straight forward. Certainly an eye opener for me and all the more insentive to get back on it and back to somewhere I used to be!

Yeah, that's something you only realise when you've not been riding for some time. Trials requires a lot of strength and stamina but strangely, it comes naturally and rather quickly.

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He is tall! did work experience for you at MOR bikes when I was like 13 lol

And you made it out alive lol they were some fun days at MOR . We are doing a podcast from the old staff that worked there .ill send you a copy of the recording when it's done. Lol

I thought I was big at 6ft5! Feel your pain bro!

Come radfest dude you will love it. easy stuff to hop about on and lots of fun bits throw out the 3days.

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