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Taunton Trials Park

Rich Pearson

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  • 2 weeks later...
Hey im also intrested like (yoyoyo) if these plans are still going ahead or even if any action has been made yet.

I was also curouis/unsure of the loacation of taunton  :">

Have just finished exams this week and have been going back and forth to the county offices waiting for a reply from the Town Leisure people who I put the proposition in front of on monday. Now its just a waiting game and then I've probably got to go to a few meetings with them to discuss it further, but the ball is rolling people, and if/when we need your support, we won't forget it.

Thanks very much. :-

As for the location of taunton, go on mapquest and type in TA1 1UZ as the postcode and zoom out a bit.


Edited by karsonlevoret
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At present I know sweet bugger all and they may reject the idea all together (cue militant agression and the soundtrack from 'Assault on Precinct 13'...) but there are a few places around the town which look very serviceable, as I say all I've done so far is asked for something to be provided, we'll see where it goes from there.


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Not trying to be deliberately rude, but at the moment there is nothing to develop, all the info there is is right here in the thread, and as I've said, when I get information, I'll post it here. But just so as people can see, below is a copy of the letter I sent to the council and then delivered by hand to the Town Leisure department who deal with this kind of thing:


Dear Sir/Madam,

The county council of Taunton and Somerset is very good at catering for the sporting needs of almost all classified sports participated in by the population of Taunton. However; there is a growing number of people, mainly youths from in and around the Taunton area, who are taking part in a sport which has previously been looked upon as hooliganism or as a juvenile and unsociable activity; Mountain Bike Trials Riding.

Trials Riding is a sport which involves a person and a bicycle getting through, over and across any number or kind of obstacles whilst keeping feet and hands upon the bike, the participant stabilizing themselves using only the skills they posses to stay on the bike. This sport has been around for more than two decades and is practiced by people across the world, in almost every country. There are national federations such as the BIU, and the UCI, which organize domestic, national, international and world championship competitions. It is a real sport and to take part in the competitions riders require a license and adequate insurance.

However, the riders still need to practice. At the moment, the only place available to practice is on the walls and benches in the streets or on the rocks and play areas in the parks. By many this is looked down upon, and by others it is encouraged as an activity to keep youths and older participants from the darker side of what they may decide to do with their spare time. It keeps us fit, gives us a reason to do something constructive with our time, and has from many people earned us respect.

But we understand that there are a group of people, be it a minority or a majority, who believe that what we do, is intended to damage public property or offend members of the public. This is not, and never will be the case, but we can understand how are actions can be misinterpreted.

The county council provides facilities such as football fields and leisure centers for almost all main stream sports, and for even more unconventional sports, such as BMX racing, inline skating, climbing, etc. Over the last year, we have been given official warnings, threatened with assault and had details taken down by the police.

Put simply, if an area is not provided where we may practice our sport, as there is for every other sport, then we will have no choice but to continue riding where we have been riding already. All we are asking for is an area to be provided, be it indoor or outdoor, which we can fill with our own obstacles (pallets, old skips, platforms, electricity spools, etc, all properly obtained from whichever retailers or manufacturers) and where this sport can be practiced and cause no harm or offence to members of the public or their property. All we are asking for is an area to be allocated for us to use, and we can fill it with our own obstacles.

As part of the national cycling week, a group of trials riders will be performing demonstrations all day on Saturday the 18th at Goodlands Gardens. We invite you to come along and see exactly what it is that we do.

For further consultation or information, my contact details are listed at the bottom of this page, and I will be happy to attend any kind of meetings or interviews to discuss the idea further.


Richard Pearson

My contact details have been omitted from this copy of the letter.

I will be taking a few petition forms with me to the next DJ comp and getting some signitures hopefully, untill then its just a case of waiting for the council to respond to the letter above. Until they do, there's nothing more I can do. If we don't here a reply in the next month or so, I'll go back to them and try again, but until then all the answers to any questions you could posibly have are right here.

Thanks again for all the interest, the best way you can help is to get yourselves down here for a ride. The more riders who appear on the streets, the more seriously we get taken.

Thanks again


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  • 2 weeks later...


I got a reply back from the council saying that the kind of risks involved (health and safety) would be too high for the council to take, and they also said that they doubted that any other council would take such risks. Essentially it was a politely worded rejection. We did however meet a twon councillor the other day whilst out riding who was very sympathetuc and has promised to help us in any way he can. Other that that, if anyone knows of any trials parks in the UK that have been successfully (and legally) built with council backing, I'd really appreciate hearing from you.

They did however say that a new skatepark was going to be built so we could ride there. Despite the fact that there are three already.


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just read ur thread, there is a trials park that should be finished this summer, its supposed to be being built in a town in nottinghamshire. but from what my mates have said that live there, apparentley the highest thing is gonna be like 2/3ft reasons for that is due to health and safety, but it seems possible to have a trials park built but it looks more like it wou;d have to be technical stuff thats low, instead of streety stuff thats high. hope this helps

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it seems possible to have a trials park built  but it looks more like it wou;d have to be technical stuff thats low, instead of streety stuff thats high. hope this helps

I agree. Just because it's low doesn't mean its poor. Can you give anymore details by the way? Im interested in having a nosey (Y)

Councils aren't likely to agree to anything too dangerous but its not insurance. They have enough insurance cover, but they probably wouldn't be prepared to accept liability if someone died (OK we all know its not likely, but its still possible). To put it another way, if someone died, Newspapers are likely to say:

"Council said 'yes' to project death and ignored safety risks!" referring to the park. Its not gonna look good for them is it? So to cover their backs they turned you down. Thats the impression I got when I asked my council anyway

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Councils aren't likely to agree to anything too dangerous but its not insurance. They have enough insurance cover, but they probably wouldn't be prepared to accept liability if someone died (OK we all know its not likely, but its still possible). To put it another way, if someone died, Newspapers are likely to say:

"Council said 'yes' to project death and ignored safety risks!" referring to the park. Its not gonna look good for them is it? So to cover their backs they turned you down. Thats the impression I got when I asked my council anyway

but wouldn't that be the same for skate parks if not worse

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Put simply, if an area is not provided where we may practice our sport, as there is for every other sport, then we will have no choice but to continue riding where we have been riding already. All we are asking for is an area to be provided, be it indoor or outdoor, which we can fill with our own obstacles (pallets, old skips, platforms, electricity spools, etc, all properly obtained from whichever retailers or manufacturers) and where this sport can be practiced and cause no harm or offence to members of the public or their property. All we are asking for is an area to be allocated for us to use, and we can fill it with our own obstacles.

I've spotted a few things that could cause reasons why the council say no.

1.) All the things you have said are un-fixed objects this means that they can be stolen or made very unsafe which would ruin insurance.

2.)They aren't all particularly strong either what will you do when they break, throw them out, all the council will see is pallets being broken and thrown into the nearest stream/ wood etc.

If you want them to think about it more seriously you would need to look at it from all angles. For instance, the whole thing will need to be properly safety checked, a skip has not been designed to be stood on the underside of and could collapse therefore it will not pass. A pallet will get moved when you are hopping on it failing the safety test.

It's just a case of looking at it from all angles :blink:

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Thanks for the replies fellas, you given me a lot more to think about. We're in negotiations with one of the town councillors whose sympatetic to our dilema, and these are definately points I'll put in front of him which he can then put in front of the body he works with.

Thanks again


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  • 2 weeks later...

There is a trials park in Notts. It's almost done, just trying to get some rails and benches in. Nothing is very high and we also had to have a 1.5m gap between everything as well. We didnt quite have that size gap but we got away with it (Y) It's not amazing but it's better than nothing.


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Rich I think you need to tell them how big Exeter skate park is ( the one next to the canal) the highest ramp there is about 15ft and they don't have any insurance issues.

All it is, is a case of having a set of disclaimer at the entrance stating that helmets and full body amour must be work at all times.

good luck :shifty:

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  • 2 months later...

After having extensive chats with the council unfortunately this really doesn't look as though its going to happen. It could if I had a lot more time to give to it but I really haven't. To get this kind of stuff done you just have to sit and talk someone through absolutely every step of the process before they even consider the notion of spending any kind of money. Theres just a whole lot of red tape and paper work surrounding the idea and I have neither the time nor patience to go through with it.

Thanks for your support in the matter though, and if the idea does get off the ground again you'll know.

Thanks again


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  • 5 months later...

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