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Sorry Another Magura Pad Question.


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well now that i am getting a pitbull i have to run a magura, i have been running a V on the rear for the last 8 months. before i used the V i had plazmatic CRMs but never on a grind as i run now. also i have heard they dont hold too well. i know everyone is going to say heatsink, but i dont want them. what i want to ask is, what would plaz spanish fly pads be like on a medium grind. also are the new koxx blocks colours there because they are different compounds, if so which are best or who has experience form the yellows or reds. i know its another crap topic about pads but i really dont know what to do. yes i searched.......


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the spanish fly are the clear ones arent they, if not forget this.

i used the spanish flys for about 5 days on a medium grind. they did actually hold well, they have got an annoying squeek when they bite but least you know they have bit, if you get me. they wear down really badly and for the padlife/grip ratio you get from the pad isnt very good really. i wouldnt recommend them, get some koxx reds nial...they are the best pads i have ever used...

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They're good pads. Same as Echo and Viz pads, so when you see all the kids with the new Viz pads which are 'superior to all other pads ont market', they're just the good ol' Spanishfly.

I had some on my rear vee. They like fresh grinds, and last about a season of comps.

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They're good pads. Same as Echo and Viz pads, so when you see all the kids with the new Viz pads which are 'superior to all other pads ont market', they're just the good ol' Spanishfly.

I had some on my rear vee. They like fresh grinds, and last about a season of comps.

dont agree with you on tyres - but i do agree with you on pads my sp's are brill - i got them off ebay for a good price.

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Bacon, I'm sorry but you're being silly, I have yet to see or hear of a set of rimjams coming off the backings, ok wally didn't desing the first backings well, but thats all sorted now.

I've heard of the pad material kince scrunching up and coming off the backings!

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I've heard of the pad material kince scrunching up and coming off the backings!

that would be impressive! the lot i had were the ones that wore down funny/too much material/old design backings. The new ones should be ok from what joe says .. but then again hes loved them all :turned:

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