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Everything posted by trialkid

  1. Oh yes! Favorite frame ever. I'm currently doing the same but with a 2007 Pure (Unused frame) would have loved the 2004 as a base but hopefully i cant get it looking almost as good as yours!
  2. I'd like to take both Pures off you're hands bud. Would you just want the £13 delivery for the two?

  3. Haven't got the frame but if you are going to be building one up, i've got a hawyes signed black and white tioga rim in the garage if you were interested. Must be from around 2001-2002
  4. Loved this. Having owned various echos for the last 10 years of so, really feels i owe a lot to him. Didn't realise he was such a good rider, very impressed! Massive loss for trials but his legacy will live on!
  5. Where in South Wales are you? Quite a few of us around Cardiff and Porthcawl
  6. First proper frame 2003 Brisa B26, still have it in the garage with about 4 cracks and smatterings of pink spray paint over the white?! Loved it!
  7. Looked like they plonked some BMX dudes on a trials bike. Some big moved but very sketchy, personally think the British 'street trials' scene is so far ahead in terms of style, skill and creativity!
  8. What board is that? Would like to see what has been said. I just watched his GetCreative video on youtube and it's much more impressive, i wonder why the riding was toned down so much for this?!
  9. Am i the only one a little underwhelmed by the riding in this? Was expecting a much higher level. The camera work and editing is ace but the riding was really lacking for me!
  10. Li there the best age. Carl still runs them on his! May need to do a TPA fix on the red knob so if the adjuster doesnt work let me know and can make you up a fix, and get them bled properly
  11. Dude were riding cardiff tonight if your round...porthcawl lads are coming
  12. Haha your not far wrong there...actually been riding a fair bit recently. Just very rarely come on here, message me your number flip and i'll give you a text next time were out, hopefully one evening next week.
  13. Yup as often as we can...riding this evening over cardiff bay if you see this!
  14. Plyometrics i'd say. Do some searches on how explosive athletes train, body weight exercises are very good to increase strength and endurance without building a lot of mass, as you don't want too much more weight to shift! I'd also say clean and jerk, very good explosive exercise. Also as much constant comp riding as you can to really build your endurance!
  15. 8-10 reps, 3-5 sets. Don't go too heavy as i'm guessing you don't want to build mass? Concentrate on good form and don't use straps. Squats will help to increase leg power and explosiveness.
  16. Sleep is very important with your training! As Ozzy said above if you are mainly training to improve as a trials rider, explosive movements will really help. Plyometrics, Deadlifts, Clean and press, sprinting is a good one which is often overlooked. You could try a good cross fit class which will incorporate a lot of explosive, high intensity movements. One more thing to think about, most trials riders (myself included) we will do one move stop for a few minutes, then do another. If you want to improve your arm pump you need to create sections which will last longer than a general comp section and just push your threshold. So when you do go to a comp you know you can ride for that length of time without getting the pump.
  17. Hmm there are quite a few Ashton justice frames knocking about. Never really tried one out anyone have an honest opinion on them? iirc they are 1055wb
  18. Glad some one gets me! The Phase does look like a bang on geo actually! So may give one a go, only thing is i do tend to break frames fairly quickly and don't want to be building and re building all the time as i'm only just getting back to riding regularly it may put me off getting old and lazy now! MMMM 2004 pure, I would love another one of those! Also the Echo bounce I had was a joy to ride! Did crack in about 3 months though! I don't get why companies aren't making this style/size anymore? Could do pretty much anything on them at that size and were much more fun than these 1090 monsters which stupid BB rise! Maybe i'm just too old skool. These JAF bikes, i haven't checked properly but what kind of price are you looking at a general custom build? I guess i could send them my echo and say copy this please?
  19. true but aren't they all steel? i'm suprised no one really does that style of frame anymore. I may look into a JAF bike mind or getting them to repair my old frame
  20. Right guys, if this was 7 year ago i would have been totally up to speed with everything trials. These days i'm a bit out of the game. Up until recently i've been riding an Echo pure 2011 short (1060ish iirc) Perfect for me at 5.10-11 streety feel while still easily pulling big gaps, taps, hooks but being able to manual and bunnyhop high with ease. Unfortunally i've put a big crack through the rear chainstay. I've now got a new pure sl 1085 and i'm really not getting on with it, i can gap and tap easily with it but manualling it is a chore it really doesn't like it! So to shorten this does anyone sell that size frame anymore? Can you still get a short echo? Or does anyone have a good condition one they'd like to swap with my pure sl! Any help would be awesome!
  21. Well i started riding trials 10 years ago! Bloody hell. It wasn't the coolest thing to do back in 2002/2003 but mate alot of friends and lost a few along the way! Don't ride much these days but if i dont ride for a few months i get like a fever and have to get back on it! It changed my life in my early teens as i got very fit and had a good hobby! Also bike skills and balance i'll keep for a long time. Also being able to manual indefinately is life changing isn't it?!
  22. Hey guys, me and a mate are going on a last minute jaunt down to poole tomorrow, then up to bristol wednesday. We've never riden poole before so if anyone fancys a ride and showing us round the sites, it could be a good ride! Bristol we will be around castle gardens around 11. PM me if you want my number. Niall
  23. Hey guys, incredibly short notice but a few of us are heading to bristol today. lovely weather so should be a good ride, if anyones interested in meeting up my numbers 07854361865
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