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What Shall I Spray?


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I have a silver frame, Black forks, Silver bar and stem, Silver pedals and cranks, And most other things silver, The thing is i have some red spray paint doing nothing and i feel the erge to put some colour to my bike, Please suggest what to spray!

Thanks ME >_<

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I just sprayed my bash for the exact same reason....

Boredom is a dangerous thing, if you do spray a bash make sure you sand it loads 1st though.

Mine was gold before anyone takes the piss for spraying a bash >_<

If you spray your hand you'l just end up touching your bike anyway but yeah your bike will look a bit stupid. (unless your covering goldness- nothing looks worse than gold)

Edited by nbr-chris
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My colour scheme is like yours; black, silver and bits of red. Only red bits are tyres and its enough not to spoil the look. I would say spray bar ends, headset spacers, pedals dont do your forks as I think it will look pants.

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Dont spray your hand that would be silly. Fatmike sed liquid latex and food coloring is much more fun  :P

No, the food colouring stained my hand for days. :) Maybe if you're actually into that kind of thing (not just very bored like i was :ermm: ), then coloured latex might be better.

And besides, surrup you. :)

Yeah, back to topic, don't bother spraying anything, it will just look wank. :o


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What ever you do DO NOT do what sammerz did , just spray his forks and bars light green and not do the job properly because when you look down it looks like your riding the hulk :o

Just keep your bike simple don't go wrecking it with gay bits of paint around the place

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