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Broke Me Arm!

crazy_gap girl

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Oh poosticks, it's April fool's day and I'm in a house all alone and no-one around to make a fool of  :-

Ditto, I woke up very hungover at half 11 with not a clue of what to do, d'oh! I had some great ideas when i used to work at B&Q, was gonna make signs for tartan paint or left handed screwdrivers lol Ah well always next year. Was surprised to find that t-f hadn't been shutdown again :angry:

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I was fooled for a moment by a BMW advert in The Telegraph.

It said under European Law left hand drive cars would be banned on the Continent by 2007. It then siad BMW had produced a steering wheel-less car and the project leader was Dr. Bitti Fischi, that's when I twigged. Felt a right fool when I realised, didn't manage to fool anyone...

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I was fooled for a moment by a BMW advert in The Telegraph.

It said under European Law left hand drive cars would be banned on the Continent by 2007.  It then siad BMW had produced a steering wheel-less car and the project leader was Dr. Bitti Fischi, that's when I twigged.  Felt a right fool when I realised, didn't manage to fool anyone...

hahahaahahahah but from the bit "BMW had produced a steering wheel-less car " i would of realized :- hahaa great :angry:

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my brother told me there was a massive spider in the bath so that I wouldn't go in there

arr thats more like it hehe

normaly my gran rings up and tells my dad to put me on and then she says that on the local news said an ape has been set loose :- one year i actually believed it :"> haha

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happy april fools every one

what kind of pranks have you pulled today?

even though it is past 12 :-

cheers Nadine

P.S: delete this topic if its cr@p just thought id share april fools with you all

You got me, lol

I didn't get up till 1ish, and i still had all my eyebrows. :lol:

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Dan told you when you posted because if you make an April Fools joke after mid-day its you that is the fool.

When I saw this topic title I said "HAHA"

what if i did actually brake my arm.... and you laughed.. thats just mean

at least SOME people have got a sence of humor... :-


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My BMX was in my LBS and a few of my freinds decided to go in and steal my seat :-  :-. They also convinced the guy behind the counter to tell me that it got lost.


Haha, not a bad one. :)

Last year's trials-forum one was good too. Had lots of people fooled. :lol:

I completely forgot today. :D I would've *tried pulled some mint ones! :D

Ah well. Next year.


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what if i did actually brake my arm.... and you laughed.. thats just mean

at least SOME people have got a sence of humor... :angry:


Why would you post about it on t-f, its not as if anyone cares, you shouldnt get any special sympathy just because you are a girl.

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Why would you post about it on t-f, its not as if anyone cares, you shouldnt get any special sympathy just because you are a girl.

there you go again, god sake why do people ALWAYS say ohh it because your a girl u think you can get everyones attention, i just thought id post it for a laff, you didnt have to go and spoil it

i hate smart arse's

im sorry but you'v hit a nerve with me :angry:

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Anyone remeber the MASSIVE TRA crushed hand prank?

It got soo many people! It said his hand was crushed by a lorry and he'd never be able to ride again, all the TRA bummers were going crazy and posting how they loved him and stuff :angry: was funny

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Why would you post about it on t-f, its not as if anyone cares, you shouldnt get any special sympathy just because you are a girl.

Jesus christ jon. :angry: Just 'cause your life "sucks so much", no need to take it out on everyone else. I'm sure if i, and anyone else on here broke there arm they'd be gutted and would probably post on here.


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Jesus christ jon. :- Just 'cause your life "sucks so much", no need to take it out on everyone else. I'm sure if i, and anyone else on here broke there arm they'd be gutted and would probably post on here.


THANK THE LORD someone see's the light.. and its girly eyes :D :)

i have to admit it was harsh, and he got me very VERY mad :- never i have been mad on this forum EVER :angry:

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*holds hands up*

Shoot me I'm guilty of being sexist for one forum post.

im really sorry but.... i cant accept that apology(sp)

sorry, but atleast you admited you were been VERY sexist

EDIT: you can delete this topic if you wish.

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