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Making Money

sir trial a lot

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i am 14 years old and have got to make some money as my bike is slowly needing more and more new bits to keep it going and i see no point in gettin the standard parts to replace them so as parts are breaking i am replacing them with good quality parts that are exactly what i want. i need to make money though as i have none and my front magura is on its way out so im going to get a hope mono mini. if you have a full time job could you please post how you made your money when you were around my age and if you do not have a full time job could you please tell me how you make your money. many thanks! john. ;)

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Just go around the local restarants/convenience shops and ask if they have any jobs available ;)

I started when I was 14 at a local Bar/Restarant called the Ponda Rosa working part time through the Summer holidays, due to the length of the holiday and the overtime I did I earnt just shy of £2000, somewhere around 1700/1800 which went straight towards a bike. During the summer I'd be so bored without a job.

Edited by Smo
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If you get work in a cafe/restarant/bar/pub it'll most likely be washing dishes, peeling vegetables or waiting tables. It's not the most glorious work in the world but the tips are a god send. I'd probably still be saving for my bike if I wasn't tipped as much as I was. One night I got an extra £40 in tips, it's VERY worth it.

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Ring up some local resturants, or better still go into a few, and ask if they have any part time vacancies available, at most you will be cleaning pans and filling up and emptying the dishwasher!! easy as pie! Saturdays and sundays they will probably be.

Easy way to make quick money, they'l prob give you cash in hand too.

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I was a paper boy for two years, doing Sunday morning rounds. Get up at 7:50, go to shop for 8, deliver papers for 30 minutes, get a fiver.

Now I have two jobs running a bikeshop on my own on Saturdays, and Somerfield for 10 hours mid-week, as well as school.

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I've got a paper round, I deliver 260 papers and I have to put leaflets in the papers before I deliver them. It takes about an hour to do the leaflets (Depending on how many I have) and about an hour to deliver them. I normally get around £20 a week, so for around 2 hours of work £20 isn't that bad really.

Ring up your local Observer and ask if they have any rounds going! That's how I pay for my bike parts anyway. (Y)

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I used to search the wholesale + job lots area on ebay then buy stuff off there and sell it for more at school or different places.

Also had a paper round, but gave it up when school started becoming more pressured.

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door to door car valeting, worked for me when i was about 12 and wanted to get my first bike, ok it was a raleigh fargo piece of crap but its helped me choose between trials and freeride, i chose trials and here i am.

What you want to look for is the sort of job that is not going to be bothered about all the legal restrictions etc.

For a long time i worked in a scrap yard spray painting skips at £8 per skip, in 4 hours of a saturday morning i could get 10 done and thats given me £80 for the rest of the week. The thing is scrap yards arent always running by the books so thigns like this can be swung a little.

Alternatively try a local bike shop, shop assistant or as has been suggested café or bar working. The main thing is prove yourself and show your confidence, this will help you get what you want.

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if you live anywhere near the beach go round all the cafes and beach front shops cos they are seasonal they get away with hiring 12 year olds to wash up and stuff so you can easy get a job their.

on sunny days get a bucket a sponge some car wash shit and a m8 and go knocking on doors you and your m8 could easily make £30 a day (if your willing to work hard) i have done this too and it does work.

corner shops will sometimes employ people and takeaways are also a good bet.

what you have got to realise is that unless your are very lucky you are not going to like your job, just think of the end goal of getting bike parts and stick with it.

also sell your moto trials bike for more cash :)

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