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My Trials Shots From The Bike Show!

F-Stop Junkie

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ha ha, I was hoping someone would have got the fall on film, I wanna know what it looked like.

I didnt ride the rest of the day because I trashed my rim when I landed on it, BIG thanks to Dave and Adam for getting me up and running for the next day.

I rode all the other demos apart from the last one on sunday when it was too painful to ride.

It still hurts a little now, like coughing or sneezing and sleeping on my left, the doctor said I have bruised ribs.

Eeeeep!!! :P It really did look painfull from where I was stood (Just behind where all the riders were waiting for there runs)

Was it your hub that skipped or something? Sorry, I did'nt manage to get it filmed, it was one of the worst looking bails Ive ever seen I have to say though made me cringe big style. Huge respect for getting up and walking away from it.

Anyway, hope it heals soon, back to the topic... :-"


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my finger slipped off my brake lever due to, arm pump, sweaty fingers and nerves.


thats another one of Chris's pics (one of my faves). Its from Tech 04 where I had a crash very much like at the bike show, I fell off the reels I am gapping too, somthing went wrong and I fell off 6ft on to my back across a kerbstone, that hurt loads (look at my foot on the pedal)

I think chris should have a gallery where he posts his pics and then people view them and can pay for copies of their faves, I recken that would be ace

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Wicked pics mate I can really apreaciate them!

The flash effect really looks good!

What camera have you got? A very expencive one I can imagine!

Canno 10D mk 1 or D70? somethng like that I reckon!

The first one looks like some really cool photoshop effect or is it supposeed to be like that?

The effect is very dieeferent from the bog standard snap shot!

One more thing how did you get in there to take pics, like in with the riders?

Some sort of media pass?

Cheers Rob :P :-

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Thanks for all the feedback, really good to hear!

Yes, I shoot digital, and those shots don't have any fancy photoshop effects applied to them, just creative use of flash. Digital really worked for me at the Bike Show because it was quite tricky to shoot in there - just ask any of the video guys! - so I could play around and know straight away if it's working.

I'm hopefully sorting a gallery out this year, but I have two options. I can either go the custom route and just display images, or I can set up one with a company and be able to sell photos easily, as well as display ones I've taken. My only thought is, would people buy them?

So, my question is; would you buy images of trials? And/or images of yourself from events?

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One more thing how did you get in there to take pics, like in with the riders?

Some sort of media pass?

Not a media pass, I actually had a riders band for a number of reasons... Anyway, I was commentating for most of the shows, and took one show off a day to take snaps. You can get good shots from the barrier, but I had a lot more mobility to find a position I liked and get some good angles.

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its like the opposite of probably making the fore ground blurred and the back ground still as nuts (Y) :P

i would have to say if chris took pictures at competitions of different riders most people would want them. the quality and the angle that he gets it awesum (he must be sum kind of professional :P )

i think the blurrness actually adds to you more concentrating on looking at the riders position and facial expressions (Y) :D so you can sort of gauge how hard or tricky it is for the rider.


but yes id buy pictures :P :D

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How the hell do you make something thats moving not blued, and the still background blured?


This effect is created when you're shooting with a slowish shutter speed (which Chris would have been because he was in side where it was quite dark). The flash on his camera would go off and freeze the rider but due to the slow shutter speed everything the flash didn't hit would blur.

Sorry if thats confussing im a bit crap at explaining stuff!! (Y)

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How the hell do you make something thats moving not blued, and the still background blured?


Instead of holding the camera still you move it at the same speed as the rider so the background is moving. Then if you want you cna use flash, in a technique which is called fill in flash I'm not exactly sure on the science of this but it makes the rider less blured. If your taking a picture in which the rider could get blurred use the flash, even if its quite bright.

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Ok, is that a mongoose trials bike!!! What do mongoose trials frames ride like, thats if any of you have tested. I've saw there downhill bikes lately and its got to be said there looking pretty sick (Y) .


snowy (Y)

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