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Mark W

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Hallo all,

I'm bored. Really bored.

So much so, I'm actually not just gonna roll into town and do the same walls over and over again :)

The train station here basically goes from here to Shrewsbury, or from here to Swansea. In that Shrewsbury is a hole, and Swansea seems to have some decent riding in it, I decided to go South this Thursday.

I was hoping I might be able to get some Swansea info from someone on here/some other people to meet up there? I know there's a ride on in Abergavenny, but I really wanna head to Swansea :S

So yeah, where are the 'best' spots? I know there's that fancy fountain shiz there, but where is that in relation to the station? Do you get chucked off there quickly? Is the place festering with chav scum?

Thanks for any help (Y)


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get up to north wales for ride :S"

What part of "Train only goes to Swansea-Shrewsbury" don't you understand? :P Nah, I'll be up with Hudson soon enough :-

mark come down southish some time soon (Y)

I wanna start travelling more, too. I used to be all shy and coy about going on group rides, but then I went to the DJ ride and basically, it seems that no matter what they're like on the net, all trials riders are f**king awesome. I just wanna go ride everywhere now, but can only go by train, so I'm kinda limited :) How South are you?

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(Y) mark come down carmarthen you can get the train there as its on the same line or you may have to change, or ll ride swansea with you theres a few boys on ashton's down there who i know and are sound lads, chat to me on msn some time!

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Tickets booked, so I'm rail-roalled into going to Swansea tomorrow now (Y)

If anyone wants to meet if they don't have school/exams/work, I'll be getting in at 12pm (ish), and riding 'til half 5.

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A half-link, like the Shadow Interlock's made out of. (Starts off wide like the female part, then narrows into the male part at the other end of it (Y))

Couple of pics:


(Top of the 3-block pile to the rusty mount bit)



Only got pics from there 'cos Matt didn't have much to ride there, so he filmed us and got a coupla pics.

Rode the fountains at first, and within 10 minutes some policeman came up to us and took our details. He was pretty sound though, and considering I was on top of a wall I'd just backwheeled as he was walking up, it was pretty good of him to let us off...

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