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i need a new backweel because i am running a pad bodge (the back of one pad stuck to the other pad so it can touch the rim) because my d521 wont fit in my koxx

so what should i get the new 05 Echo rim or Onza Ronnie

would like to know what one is stronger and witch one is lighter so i can make a decision on witch on i want to buy


rob :P

Edited by bigaircoby
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Why is that?

Not having a go, just wondering what your reasons are :P

If you're basing it on the '04 Echo's then i could understand...

EDIT: Aimed at Littleharrys :D

Edited by N.Wood
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If your ride natural, go for echo, street, go for the onza.

Simple :)

BTW that is based on natural being less rough and street to inc rail. But it all depends on how good he is really.

Edited by JT!
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not diggin at you JT!....but i can't see how the echo would be any better for natural than the ronnie :)

they are pretty similar..performance wise (from what i hear), except one is far cheaper and has a better warranty (Y)"

I'm getting myself a drilled ronnie :D


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why wasnt it ?

i was posting up to tell the "new member" where he could get the right product from. :blink:

And mine was telling him there's other options rather than Selectbikes, incase he wanted variation, and comparison of prices, postage etc.

What's wrong with that?

Oh, sorry. Should I just let your sponsor have the link. Oh, didn't realise. Sorry. [/sarcasm]

I'm not posting in this again. You cry well too bad. I was messin with the 'playin this game'. For f**ks sake...


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