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Made Me Laugh!


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lol, i dont see the point in football!

But baseball players get paid more than football players! lol

It's a bigger sport, so obviously they'll get paid more. (Y)

Anyway, I don't know anything about football, so I dunno why they'd wanna see that trophy. But ok. :wink2:

Edit: Got it now, hehe.

Edited by MrMonkey
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A good kick about is easily one of the best social activities imo, 5 a-side with your mates is ace fun.

As for watching, i don't really care, and i don't believe in paying them that amount to do something they love but there's nowlt that's going to change it.

And as for the poster, pretty funny i guess, but obviously created either by a Leeds fan or a Liverpool fan and is a great example of why football can be shit at times. Thats just gonna piss of the majority of the Man U supporters and create more hatred and blah blah blah...

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hey guys, if any of you like football and wanna be in our fantasy football league then your more than welcome to join.

if you want to sign up and join my league, just follow these steps

1. Go To www.premierleague.com

2. Find the Game On Section (on the left)

3. Select Fantasy Football

4. Sign Up, choose a team name and kit

5. Select you team

6. Go to leagues and join a private league

gimmei a pm for the league code to sign up if you think you can hang with the big boys, (the overall winner can also win £10,000)

Its good fun and makes the football season actually worth following. :wink2:

Edited by RicH_87
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LOL that's a friend of my mate from work.

If you watch soccer AM or just want more of a challenge you can join the soccerAM Forum league too 909-254.

If enough peeps on here wanted to play we could have a Trials-Forum league, but i can't really see that happening. :wink2:

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Bah! Football, what a bunch of baby poo. Footballers kicking leather bags of air get paid more than doctors and nurses saving peoples lives, stick that up the labor parties ass.

Doctors don't give people anything. That is incredibly odd, but most people just see them as something they deserve for paying taxes. They are a convenience when you are ill. Footballers keep millions of people entertained for and hour and a half, the same as any band, why do they get payed so much? Because they are entertainers.

Besides, are you going to double your taxes to pay Doctors and Nurses footballers wages? Didn't think so.

Just a thought.


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