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I Bled My Magura In Water...


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put it one way. its better to have too much than not enough. the last thing you want is the water freezing and splitting the hosing and damaging seals

It doesnt though, all it does when it freezes is the water expands, making the pads push out, and lock on, all i do in the winter is take a lighter with me and if my brake starts to freeze a little, just warm the hose up a little bit till it melts, and so on.

I keep my bike in my house anyways, so it wont freeze in there over night....

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put it one way. its better to have too much than not enough. the last thing you want is the water freezing and splitting the hosing and damaging seals

yeah your right i think i mite do it again soon.. but then again my bike stays in my house anyway and over winter i will not be using it very much.. :lol:

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It doesnt though, all it does when it freezes is the water expands, making the pads push out, and lock on, all i do in the winter is take a lighter with me and if my brake starts to freeze a little, just warm the hose up a little bit till it melts, and so on.

I keep my bike in my house anyways, so it wont freeze in there over night....

surely your pads can only move so far especially if people have their pads very close. once there locked on fully then thats when its going to effect hosing etc. the lighter idea is also a good one by the way


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Finish line 2.5wt shock oil! its the daddy. magura US wrranty department used to use finish line 5wt (as its the closest theing to maggie blood they could get for some reason). Th 2.5 is thinner, so feels like water, and has better lubricating properties than water and maggie blood, so is very good for the brake. totally mineral,and compatable with magie blood as well. :lol:

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It doesnt though, all it does when it freezes is the water expands, making the pads push out, and lock on, all i do in the winter is take a lighter with me and if my brake starts to freeze a little, just warm the hose up a little bit till it melts, and so on.

I keep my bike in my house anyways, so it wont freeze in there over night....

i mite just carry a ligher around with me incase of it freezing but to be honest i dont see how it can freeze as your forever pulling the bk brake so the water is constantly moving and if you keep your bike inside while your not using it surely there will be no problem..

Finish line 2.5wt is that cheaper than the magura mineral oil because if it is i think i'll be goin for that

too be honest i dont think i will ever use any kind of oil again even if it dose bugger up the seals there no problen for me to get hold of beacuse my sisters b/f has a box ful of them all different sizes and i just put a new seal in befor i bled it.. oil is :lol: ^_^

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i mite just carry a ligher around with me incase of it freezing but to be honest i dont see how it can freeze as your forever pulling the bk brake so the water is constantly moving and if you keep your bike inside while your not using it surely there will be no problem..

too be honest i dont think i will ever use any kind of oil again even if it dose bugger up the seals there no problen for me to get hold of beacuse my sisters b/f has a box ful of them all different sizes and i just put a new seal in befor i bled it.. oil is :lol: ^_^

yah you shouldnt have aproblem. its only really for people who leave there bike in a cold garage or shed over night

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Spring metal water bad!

It doesn't rust it because there's not any air in there if it's bled properly (N) There's the O from H^2O, but that's not going to rust it, is it...

i didnt like water as even though your brakes lock out because of the viscocity of water it keeps on compressing

Wrong again. That's just a shit bleed :o

Use Bently Clutch oil, well nice not spongy and locks like a good'un

Same as LHM Clutch fluid, Citroen's stuff, etc. It's pretty much all the same, except some brands are cheaper than others...

On the topic not enough for a post.. but

The bike I've got is one year old and I've had it for about 2 months. Would it be sensible to give the brakes a bleed as I don't know whats in it and the brakes arn't exactly great.

toby (Y)

If the brake lever feels spongy (and you're running a booster), yes. To check if you need a bleed, you cna just lightly pull the lever and see if the pads move. If they don't, that generally means that there's air in the system (hence them not moving). If they do, you're fine basically.

Definatly i think strictly brakes need re-doing every 6 months but in trials its done more often because the braking is so much more vital

You don't 'need' to bleed your brake unless you have air in the system. Mine lasted for 2 years without a new bleed, and I know plenty of other people who have just left them. The only reason you need a bleed is if you have air in the system, so if you don't, why bother? Braking is important, but if you've got an air-free brake, you don't have to bleed it, do you.

well y u say that u were y say summit like that

Learn to type, clown. Also, keep petty shit like this to face-to-face conversations or MSN, simply because it's boring as f**k having to read this sort of crap.

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It doesn't rust it because there's not any air in there if it's bled properly :o There's the O from H^2O, but that's not going to rust it, is it...

Wrong again. That's just a shit bleed :P

Same as LHM Clutch fluid, Citroen's stuff, etc. It's pretty much all the same, except some brands are cheaper than others...

If the brake lever feels spongy (and you're running a booster), yes. To check if you need a bleed, you cna just lightly pull the lever and see if the pads move. If they don't, that generally means that there's air in the system (hence them not moving). If they do, you're fine basically.

You don't 'need' to bleed your brake unless you have air in the system. Mine lasted for 2 years without a new bleed, and I know plenty of other people who have just left them. The only reason you need a bleed is if you have air in the system, so if you don't, why bother? Braking is important, but if you've got an air-free brake, you don't have to bleed it, do you.

Learn to type, clown. Also, keep petty shit like this to face-to-face conversations or MSN, simply because it's boring as f**k having to read this sort of crap.

cheers for cleaning all that up

(Y) (N)

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Kurt, is it true that you are sponsored by echo or are you bullshiting? please reply.



well y u say that u were y say summit like that

What have you been smoking?

I never said that!!!

your making it up.


1. i dont smoke 2. At least i can mend a puncture.

what have these got to do with my topic? (N) :o

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