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Flippin' Tyres


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What is all this shizzle about 19" rear wheels and tyres?

I'm pretty sure my rear wheel's 20" and I'd ideally like a set of creepy crawlers but can only find them in 19!

Do alot of people have 19" wheels? It's just I've only heard of them on the onza t-bird...

Thanks for reading (Y)

Edited by frozenfrogsocks
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T-vees come with sticky fingers tyres, sticky fingers rear tyres are 19" i believe. So you should be ok with the maxxis tyres (Y)

Edit: just looked on bikedock and found that sticky fingers come in both 19 and 20 for the rear, so i'm afraid i'm no help whatsoever, sorry

Edited by the judge
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Thanks alot guys, would change the wheel but I'm running a maggy so it would obviously be out of place...

Would run 2 front's but I'd like a 2.5 rear, I think I'll just look for something else

Thanks alot

You can get a 2.4 sticky fingers from UDC(unicycle.com) just go on tyres and then go on the second page and its for a 20" unicycle but can be used on a bike.

I have one on my unicycle and its deffo a 20" rim not 19"

hope i help.

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Thanks guys, was looking at that unicycle site and also found a try-all stiky rear tyre, does anyone know anything about these?

They are about the best tyres you can get for mod and stock, Bit pricy though. They won't fit your bike though, more or less all decent rear trials tyres are for a 19" rim.

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I'm running an outland booster with a maggy, the booster has quite a lot of clearance but I'm not sure on the frame either <_<

There arent any sort of mounts I could get so I could run a 19" rear wheel are there?

Get a new frame lol, New frame and wheel & freewheel is what you want really, but just stick to Sticky Fingers, untill you can get some 19" tires..


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a creepy crawler would fit you t-vee dont worrie about all that 19" and 20" stuff, almost any tire will fit on there.


chiz :blues:

No it wont.

T-vees come with sticky fingers tyres, sticky fingers rear tyres are 19" i believe. So you should be ok with the maxxis tyres (Y)

Edit: just looked on bikedock and found that sticky fingers come in both 19 and 20 for the rear, so i'm afraid i'm no help whatsoever, sorry

Naa they have 2x 20" sticky fingers on.

yer they will definatly fit mate thanks tom

They won't ime 100% sure i had one.

How about the new monty 20x2.7 tyres? I found them on bikedock and it says they have them in 20 and 19"

Sorry to keep on about it but this is really annoying me ^_^

When they say they have them in 12" and 20" it means they have them for bouth frount and rear, rear being 19".

As said above you could run a frount 20" tyre on the rear this would mean you could run a 20" try all tyre, maxxis creepy crawler or even a monty BUT make sure you order 20" not 19".

I'm running an outland booster with a maggy, the booster has quite a lot of clearance but I'm not sure on the frame either <_<

There arent any sort of mounts I could get so I could run a 19" rear wheel are there?

No you can't really bodge a 19" rim in.

Hope I cleared a few things up.

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