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How Do You Learn?


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How do you guys learn, in terms of trials I mean?

I've seen people who practice 5 mins & get a move...unfortunately, I don't...it takes me a long time. I can watch a move performed/practice 1000 times, I understand exactly how it should feel/you should move your body; but I still don't get it..until that 'little thing' in my head snaps...and instantly I get it.

Ive practiced trials on & off for years (1998 I started - yet I know kids who've rode for 5 months & they s*it on me). I remember learning to pedal-hop...for about 2 months I'd practiced and I was nowhere close. I was in bed in my uni room & I wasn't thinking bout trials. Then it suddenly popped into my head - I know how to pedal hop, I picked my bike off the wall & started..

Today was the same...I can sidehop (with both wheels only) about 4-5 foot if I'm lucky. I've practiced for ages & not improved. Then today, I was just f*cking around behind work, and accidentally shifted my weight a different way - added another 1-1&1/2 ft to my technique. Now I get it & can do it everytime..

Just interested to know.. :huh:


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A bit of both for me , watching people and thinking about new ways of doing stuff and sometimes it just clicks in my head. I try to relax though as anger only makes me worse. But it's all personal preferance.

A lot I think is mental power, thinking you can do something is a big help with most things, but can be a dreadful downfall.


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QUOTE(deanie-b @ Feb 21 2006, 07:18 PM)

Most true thing I've seen posted today :)

It's dangerous to not know yourlimits\what you can do etc

Concentrate on _all_ the little different things you do in a move - things you think are unimportant may well be VERY important. Also, if you think you find something that works via this method, even if it's absolute bollocks, at least you think you can do it, which is the most important thing.

It's all in your head mate. If you really believe you've become capable of it because you're doing a tad differently, it doesn't really matter whether you are or not.

Either that or I'm talking out of my backside again.

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I just keep going. I watch other vids and know how its done, but doing it is complelty different. As craig said above, if you tell yourself you can do it, then you will do it

Sometimes I miss something, and when I go to do it again, Ill do the exact same thing and miss it again (N) I think it also depends on what kinda of thing you're trying to learn, and what similar tricks you can do. EG I'm trying to switzerland squeaker. I have been known to do quite a few front hops but I really cant get squeakers and I don't see why, I think that I should have an advantage over people learning squeakers, who can't front hop if you get me

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I can switzerland squeaker, but i can only get about 5-6 front hops. :D

I just go for something and usually it just happens, i don't really consciously think about how i'm going to do it, i just ride the bike and see if it happens or not. Its usally things like spins that get me confused, bunnyhopping or doing slower moving moves isn't really that hard.

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I learn from watching vids of other riders doing the moves. However, the biggest help is watching other riders and them explaining how to do the move (namely mike, dave, and cj). It's also good to watch Luke Draisey to see how not to do things :-

I remember the first day I'd rode with Mike, Dave & Leo...I learnt how to backwheel things by just watching them, rather than trying to pedal hop from a static position - I think it helps to ride with different people too while you learn..when I'd started I rode with my mate in uni at Coventry. It was good, but the tricks I tried were limited in some ways to the tricks/his riding style. I find I learn quicker riding in a small group of about 4-5 riders (big get togethers like in leeds are great, but you spend all day just watching superhuman feats)

Now I ride alone and I'm not as mobile, there isn't really a trials scene over here in Italy..but then again there wasn't really one in Widnes as I used to practice alone there too >_< . I'm better (marginally) than when I arrived here, but progress is slow.

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The way i learnt is... most of you are going to find this really freekish :P

When i first got my T-mag back on 2004, i was riding ok after like 45 mins of riding (backwheeling walls like 5 bricks high) probably brcause i learnt this on my mates T-pro. but since i had my own bike, i had alot more time to think about technique and a like. I then came to the conclusion i was crap. so i started to try and immatate CLS at exactly what he does. i tryed to imagine what he would be thinking and the exact time he will be taking off and stuff for diffrent moves. its really hard to do, but if you just watch the video, and imagine you are him and try to imagine what hes thinking and then try it out on your bike, it might work.

It did work for me to some extent, but then i found myself that i couldnt do any bigger walls n gaps n shit, so i just kept practising, and then tryed adding as much power into my hops as possible, and it works (Y)

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well... same here as most of the time i ride with Chris doney, the moves he pulls seems freakishly simple to me, but when i try follow him, by looking at his body and bike movement, i cant get it right in which made me realise everyone has their own way of riding, then i did it my way, i did it.

not every move everyone pulls e.g. sidehop isnt exactly the same as everyone does, if it was, we'd be like clones!

so.... its all about the mind......


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