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The Evolution Of Trials


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I enjoy going on big ride's, It's fun riding with other people and it's good to push your self to your limit. I have never met anyone who is totally competitive when out riding, it's just a laugh and its great to meet new people and see other styles.

Natural does completely own though. You can't just do the same line in the same way as the person who did it previously unlike street. With natural everyone has a deferent way of tackling a object and moving onto the next, It is much more fluent and stylish ;) .

With street the move can be done in more or less exactly the same way as the previous person, but don't get me wrong it can still be stylish and original but it all seems come down to how high you can side hop and how far you can gap to what is the better rider, not as much style and originality, which to me makes trials trials. But I suppose everything changes at it progresses. Nothing ever stays the same. But too tell the truth i prefer the old style of trials.

Edited by Jaffacakes
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I think simply, a wall is a wall be it 3" high or 300" high. On big rides 20 riders on silver bikes come up to said wall and try and tap/sidehop as high as they can, then move a little bit higher. Or they film it. It IS all the same moves...and not just those.

hell yes! went to a leeds ride last year and found myself following everyone else around to walls where there was little else on but a big tap/sidehop

on a certain section near the uni i was just watching in awe as boon turned on the style, 360 tyre taps to name one particular move, and these impressed me more than any big side hop i saw that day.

love watching all the old TK, MTT, nailsea, trialsrider etc etc vids they make we wanna go ride. today the long low silver brigade bring little inspiration to me, maybe because im stuck on a short bike. i doubt it, there is no variety, drop gaps are impressive but to me big drop gaps are done today with less style and are just pure ballsy moves.

recent vids ive kept include

Dave marshalls 1st tartybikes vid

All stan shaws natural vids

tim steadmans vids (sloppy street eaters, bangor, and january 05)

richard III (stephen morris et al)

zoo vid 26

roadtrip vid 2005

couple of coust vids

26twenty vids (apart and painted)

oh and the NC vid with danny macaskill

yet i have ALL TK vids still.

i prefer riding natural to street any day, its more difficult yet so much more rewarding at the end of the ride, yet how many riders these days go ride rocks?

its worth a try and will improve ur street technique if nothing else

Edited by matthewholdsworth
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Thing is, if you look at Ben's (hulltrials) new vid, you can see those tap to 90 things, the tap-to-fronts, etc. That IS new stuff, for that type of riding. It's all moving forwards, it's just I guess different riders are more in tune with different types of riding - you get me?

Yeah that's true. I was going to coment how much I enjoyed that video! Short and dead sweet :D

About pedals and dropouts and stuff, that's not necessarily a great example? etc etc etc

Again I guess you're right. Though I wasn't specifically relating to dropouts and pedals, more to moves like it. My post was mostly relating to my own mindset.

But the fact remains there are more physical variations on street if you do "street" i.e like me. I could find some walls a foot high and play for hours on them and have fun..I dare say UCI people couldnt. Leading me to my next point...

I see what you're saying about the riders and locatins though, although that IS pretty specific. If there was a bunch of thin walls set at different distances and angles to each other, UCI boys could probably sidehop, tap and gap to their heart's content, but you possibly wouldn't have as much fun. On the other hand, find a flatbank to sub and you're happy but they're not? Just comes down to what's there?

YES it does depend what's there (again you're correct) Because if we came to walls over like 40" i'd be screwed for backwheeling haha.

I guess to sum up my post : The majority older videos when I was around had more variation and original moves (be it because they simply were old and trials was comparitively new so you hadn't seen as much) Newer ones do not show such a broad range of tricks.

Is it so that old skool riders of their time and the videos (think of TKs, chainspotting, revolution etc etc) had more variation of moves because there was less emphasis on amplitude of tricks and people didn't spend every hour of the day honing them? I believe so.

Edited by the boon
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For me, an enjoyable, successful ride is one where you and a friend make sections up and encourage each other. You get up onto a rock, and your mate tells you to gap to the next rock, then climb up the next etc... then do it brakeless, without correction hops, whatever, but making interesting lines, even if the ups and gaps arent particulary big. Not getting up a rock, then getting up the next rock thats a bit bigger, all in seperate chunks. Thats not what trials is about! Sections rule!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I have a name for these new riders on pythons and pitbuls..............TGS!!!!

well, iolo came up with it, it means Tap Gap Sidehop as it seems thats all they do, do they even need a front wheel for most of the stuff they do?

I aint saying those three moves are bad though, I do them all the time, but I also do other stuff.....Like Mr Boon was saying, give me a ft high wall and I could spend hours on it.

then theres the Zoo technique......carrying your bike up onto walls so you can just jump off, WHATS THE POINT!!!!! My general rule of thumb is that if I cant ride up onto somthing, then I wont ride it at all (doesnt apply to 100% of the cases though)

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then theres the Zoo technique......carrying your bike up onto walls so you can just jump off, WHATS THE POINT!!!!! My general rule of thumb is that if I cant ride up onto somthing, then I wont ride it at all (doesnt apply to 100% of the cases though)

Isn't that the 'Base Team Tryout' technique??

I hear what you're saying. TGS (I like that!!) for sure, but mix it up a bit. My favourite videos are ones that show unique or styled things, like Boon's videos, Akrigg's, etc. And of course the TK vids. There just seemed far more to see. I can't remember the last time I downloaded a TGS video...

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