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Who Would Ride An Event In Doncaster

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at the Dome www.the-dome.co.uk

follow on from cycology trials event in february

im doing research into riders we want thias event to be good you gotta understand - the last one we spend over a grand and it go f**ked up by the rain we want to make this one great it would be our last event as we all go our seperate ways in summer and we are planning on spending like £5000 if we get enough interest

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hey cool if u wanna email me ur details ill get bak to you with more info on the event date times cost u no the lot

thanks for interest we looking for 60 + riders in the

4 catagories





email any details to

Steve Malee


Info needed for replies





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3 topics based on the same conversation. not good going to say your hoping to be validated!?!?

I think you need to be out there in the trials market a lot more if you want to arrange an event, New Members Chat on TF wont generate much but u need to speak to MBUK and some other magazines, and possibly some bike companies, not alwyas trials aimed companies, for them to help advertise the fact you are doing an event

Edited by fruitbat
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thanks for that

all comments to me are helpful

we held an event in Feb this yr we advertised in MBUK and event was cancelled due to weather we took that into consideration and this is basically early market research

i want an event that will be not just half decent but fukin awesome

all comment keep em coming

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thanks for that

all comments to me are helpful

we held an event in Feb this yr we advertised in MBUK and event was cancelled due to weather we took that into consideration and this is basically early market research

i want an event that will be not just half decent but fukin awesome

all comment keep em coming

The last even was abit of a shammble, wasnt organised properly at all.....you need to talk to trials riders and get information of what they want, ask the forum what they would like to see in a course. What they like to ride and what they like to do.

I will just start you off: What would you like to see at the comp?

specifically what sections would you like to ride on?

we was promised a decent course, the team wasnt realistic at all with the materials and there hearts and minds wasn't into the course at all more interested in the shit bands that were playing on the day.

Speak to trials riders and get information about what they will want to ride and make sure 100% you get it.

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Learn english so i can trust the event to not go tits up again, as you are not inspiring much confidence with;

"biff m8 u will go lol

ur like the gud rider here

what u think of idea"

Then maybe you'll get a better responce.

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HHmmm...How about stuff like cotton reels, pallets, gigantic wheels from tractors Etc... stuff like that??

And i will be going...I think :)


ye thanks m8 cotton reels are a defo i think alot of interest in the common stuff though

we are looking for unique things - you know think outside the box what would you want to ride that can be rid and also that would be different and interesting

the couse will basically be designed by you lot the riders influence is somwething we have come to value after previous mistakes (hey biff)

Hey Simon Valid point

Its something ill have to obviously work on!

Im not what you would call a "forum kind of guy" Im acting spokesperson though and should take abit more care

cheers Steve

Please send your details to thierrymalee@gmail.com if you are interested in riding the event or simply wishing to find out more i will respond asap and riders will be informed fully of any developments or dates set

(name, address, mobile number, email address will be quite surficient)

Edited by thierrymalee
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Learn english so i can trust the event to not go tits up again, as you are not inspiring much confidence with;

"biff m8 u will go lol

ur like the gud rider here

what u think of idea"

Then maybe you'll get a better responce.

I 100% agree it is run by a group of f**ktards.....who made you do this research Malee ?

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at the Dome www.the-dome.co.uk

follow on from cycology trials event in february

im doing research into riders we want thias event to be good you gotta understand - the last one we spend over a grand and it go f**ked up by the rain we want to make this one great it would be our last event as we all go our seperate ways in summer and we are planning on spending like £5000 if we get enough interest

"Following on"? From what? An event where people did upwards of 200 mile round trips to turn up and find it was cancelled? That's not an event you'd really want to repeat at all, and 'following on' makes it somehow sound like you thought it was a good thing?

The last even was abit of a shammble, wasnt organised properly at all.....you need to talk to trials riders and get information of what they want, ask the forum what they would like to see in a course. What they like to ride and what they like to do.

After the mess up last time, I think it's going to have ot have more than fancy adverts and forum coverage to convince people to go. To put it mildly.

Maybe build the course 1 or 2 days before the event and actually put pics up of it, and confirmation that it's actually on, so people don't get f**ked around again? I know people were allowed to ride anyway, but "Massive street comp judged by <insert 'pro' names>" isn't quite the same as "ride on some pallets, that some considered dangerous".

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1. Have you talked to the sport's governing body? (BikeTrial UK)

2. Have you talked to anyone experienced in running trials events? (TykeTrial, NBTC etc)

3. Have you ever actually attended a trial competition?

3. Have you been to the Bike Show, NASS, Red Bull Bike Battle?

4. Do you have anyone experienced on your team of "builders"?

5. Where/How is the best place to advertise a trial? (Probably not MBUK)

6. Word posts on here very carefully and put a lot of thought into the topic beforehand to gain the respect of riders and interest in the event.

The British round of the World BikeTrial Championship last year pulled in 150+ riders, with 300+ followers (minders/parents/friends) and an estimated 1000+ spectators. But, it took about 100 people to organise and run the event, and a year to plan it (helper list here) (pictures here)

Club trials (natural riding) in Essex bring in around 35-40 entries, in Hampshire around 35-40 entries, in Yorkshire 95 entries.

It takes a team of about 4 a full day to set up a competition for a natural trial, where the obstacles are already there - it will probably take up to a week to set up man-made sections. It took 4 experienced people 4 days to set up 3 man-made sections and 4 natural sections at Fort William last September. Sections consisted of logs, pallets, a telephone box etc.

Not trying to put you off - just trying to help you realise what work is needed to make it a success.

Good luck!

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cant appologise enough for the first event, danny butler had double booked and craig lee scott refused to come the day before. this new event is no deffinate yet, if we get enough assistance then it should happen, having said that our plan is to hold this new event indoors so the rain cant stop it even in summer, and hopefully we will have a week or so of building so pics of the course should be up a good few days before the actual comp.

thanks for the info clean, i think really we havent considered all that we should. we were just working on the information and instructions that biff had given us when he was part of the company.

if it does go ahead, it will work great, we learnt from the previous mistakes.

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1. Have you talked to the sport's governing body? (BikeTrial UK)

2. Have you talked to anyone experienced in running trials events? (TykeTrial, NBTC etc)

3. Have you ever actually attended a trial competition?

3. Have you been to the Bike Show, NASS, Red Bull Bike Battle?

4. Do you have anyone experienced on your team of "builders"?

5. Where/How is the best place to advertise a trial? (Probably not MBUK)

6. Word posts on here very carefully and put a lot of thought into the topic beforehand to gain the respect of riders and interest in the event.

The British round of the World BikeTrial Championship last year pulled in 150+ riders, with 300+ followers (minders/parents/friends) and an estimated 1000+ spectators. But, it took about 100 people to organise and run the event, and a year to plan it (helper list here) (pictures here)

Club trials (natural riding) in Essex bring in around 35-40 entries, in Hampshire around 35-40 entries, in Yorkshire 95 entries.

It takes a team of about 4 a full day to set up a competition for a natural trial, where the obstacles are already there - it will probably take up to a week to set up man-made sections. It took 4 experienced people 4 days to set up 3 man-made sections and 4 natural sections at Fort William last September. Sections consisted of logs, pallets, a telephone box etc.

Not trying to put you off - just trying to help you realise what work is needed to make it a success.

Good luck!

Finally someone who speaks sense.

you are best of listening to this woman as she, along with others, puts a lot of effort into the tyketrials and they are a huge success, always pulling in a good crowd and more often than not being a good day.

By the sounds of it though from what happened before i don't think you will get much good response from the experienced riders, the type that are needed to make an event a big success.

You would be better putting up your ideas of what you are willing to do and the ideas you want to put forward that you can realistically make happen and take it from there. Some ideas will get good feedback, where others will get bad feedback. Eventually if enough people know about it and contribute to it, which will be hard work in itself, you might get a good event with a half decent turnout!

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sounds like a good idea but at the moment it is sounding like its run by a bunch of kids who obviously haven't had the experiance of organising such an event i mean come on most kids on here can barely organise a decent ride haha. but yeah if your first were more "professional" looking like good grammar being used, well though out plan and executed well i rekon you would of got a much better response.

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