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Vid Of Nora Tavasi.


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Thats bullshit, a girl will never get enough physical strength/explosive power to come close to the likes of hermance/benito riding a master category, they simply wouldn't be able to, once you've got the techniques dialled like the experts have it is sheer strength/stamina/balance that seperates them and a girl CANNOT compete with a boy at those things. Why else don't they have men and Women in the same category at Wimbledon? Because men hit it too hard for women.


Yeah, girls are always going to be slightly behind guys in every physical sport, but not that far behind, especially in sprots such as trials which uses alot of technique.

You don't need mega strength to do big moves, you need a flawless technique, and quick exsplosive movements. The reason there's no females at the level of the best males is not becuase they're not physically able, it's their mentality holds them back, it's all in the noggin.

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Meh, it was alright I suppose. The ass aint bad, tits either...but couldnt see much of her to be honest...but still, wouldnt say no.

Anyways, the riding was alright, a bit boring to watch, too much hopping about and setting up when there is really no need. Needed to be a bit more varied, I don't want to watch someone in a section for more then a minute in a video, and if I need to, ideally they have to be actual action shots, not someone setting up for 10 minutes.

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I posted about both :D

It's about time the rest of you ladies got some vids together if you ask me - maybe it'll quiet down the ignorant bastards who reckon girls can't ride properly.

well we have been talking about doing an all trialsqueen vid! but its got abit put off latly

but im sure we will release a trialsqueens vid shortly :)(Y)

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I thought it was alright, she seems to have a lot of control over the bike. I just think she needs to give it some, a lot of the stuff she does is relatively small and i think it would really increase her level of riding if she was to keep on going at something thats bigger than she can do... after a while she will manage it and will get the hang of riding something like it and it'll make all the stuff she's doing now seem a load easier as well.

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