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What's A Good Begginer Bike?


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after 1 month after taking up biking all together not being able to do sh1t all (not even a track stand) i snapped da bomb bars killed 3 da bomb freewheels and popped the headset bearings :- so yes bottom line, da bomb = crap (N)

my first trial bike was a Dabomb, learn't loads on it, super strong frame etc.

Had it for crimbo 3 or 4 yrs ago it has been owned since by 3 of 4 me mates

And is still been sold round school now! :D<_<

Certainly not crap, you get what you pay for with anything, Cheap as chips!

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there are a few good begginer bikes from a mod perspective. it really depends on how serious you are about trials and how much patience you have. if its totally new to you and you're not sure, buy a t pro, they're average bikes and can be upgraded pretty easily and come with good enough components for beginners.

if you think you will progress fast though, and are serious about the sport i would buy a second hand koxx or monty, depending on your money a brand spanker. every bike will benefit your learning, however if you buy a brand spanker top of the range you wont have anything to aspire to riding, and no comfort zone, in that......oh when i get a "blank" i will progress etc.


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So why does everyone love T-pros ? ? Might be a stupid question ctually . . . . . . :-

Hi, I have only been on one t-pro it was an 04 and it was so nice. If you don't have enough money for a t-pro then get a t-bird its what i have and the 05 even has hs33s so it should be good.

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Right, on the same lines of this topic I am looking for a second hand 20 inch as cheap as possible. I am a total newbie to cycle trials and reasonably new (1-2 months) on motor trials. Main reason for wanting the cycle trials is for fitness and it should help with techniques too. All help appreciated :D


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