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Why Arent There More Trials Parks.


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I have reason to believe trials biking has been going on for a fair amount of years. One thing that confuses me though is the lack of facilities there are for it. When BMX came out, within a few years there was BMX tracks were popping up all over the place. I think its time that people started recognizing trials. Nearly every town/city has a group of trials riders but there is no trials parks. Surely the government could fund a few metal boxes or something. As far as i know there is none in Scotland. They could even build them at skateparks with some spare space (if people could stand being around skaters all day :rolleyes: )

Edited by txt250
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Trials is a pretty unknown to most people, whereas things like skating and BMX are known by everyone young and old. The main thing is, trials isn't nearly as popular as BMX and skate yet so councils can't be assed to make any trials parks for riders.

The best way I guess, is if someone owns any private land or their family even, and have pallets and tyres and loads of other stuff donated there to ride.

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theres only 4500 members on the forum and seeing as there spread acoss the whole of the UK and excluding foreigners and people with double accounts maybe 4000 riders in the UK which isnt enough people per. borough to have a specific park

plus parks becombe boring it would only becombe a spot that you have to pay to ride and once youve been there done that there would be no point going again would there be?

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because trials parks are shit. fact....

we spent 5 years waiting and fundraising for one and when it was built the highest thing to get up was about 2 foot and the rest was absolute pants. pretty much the same for every other trials park too.

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It would be good although it could ruin the sport, you look at skateparks there are a few "proper" riders there (i.e riders with proper bikes and skateboards) and then an army of chavs and kids with shite skateboards and bmxes which block the place up i think the smae thing would hapen with a trials park and the sport would become realy big which would ruin it for me i know that sounds a bit selfish but there is something i enjoy about a ride where there is a small number of us if there were alot there i think it would be shit.

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Yer, but what i don't understand is that people moan about us riding trials in the high street or where ever.

but they don't understand that it is one of the few places we can ride :huh:

So can't the government just set up some palets etc. and say ride here? ( Or do you have to have Insurance or something?)


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Yer, but what i don't understand is that people moan about us riding trials in the high street or where ever.

but they don't understand that it is one of the few places we can ride :huh:

So can't the government just set up some palets etc. and say ride here? ( Or do you have to have Insurance or something?)


Well, you wouldn't need insurance if you signed a piece of paper saying you won't sue them.

So it's not just me who likes to be special and be one of few riders? :P

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I have reason to believe trials biking has been going on for a fair amount of years. One thing that confuses me though is the lack of facilities there are for it. When BMX came out, within a few years there was BMX tracks were popping up all over the place. I think its time that people started recognizing trials. Nearly every town/city has a group of trials riders but there is no trials parks. Surely the government could fund a few metal boxes or something. As far as i know there is none in Scotland. They could even build them at skateparks with some spare space (if people could stand being around skaters all day :rolleyes: )

There are trials parks at fort augustus, fort william(sort of) and stonehaven(which we are building atm)

check out this website for more details


sign up to the forum on that site for more details

and our park isn't shit it's got platforms that go from 2 ft to 9 ft bout 10 acres of land hopefully a shit load of pallets,rocks and logs and maybe some cars and spools aswell.

Edited by Gavyn L
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