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My New Biking Video

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yes well its not all abuot going big as I do like my legs on my hips

:blink: Just try and go bigger,the moves feel nicer and feels better when you finally nail a line

zoo baby!

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that was 'new stuff' and i hurt now because of falling off doing the first move. And what is quite big to you? and how long have you been riding? and what do you ride?

i think that drops at about 6 foot quite big.:ermm: ive been riding about 7 or 8 months properly, and i ride a planet x Zebdi

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are you rolling behind a car to gap that cause thats ball shit. And please dont lie u b*****d

Although I can't vouch for zoo I know from watching the videos on here that a lot of the members can gap 7' and over. Try taking a look in the video section?

The video was good. Pretty poor quality but the riding didn't seem poo. Although for 18 months riding I would have expect bigger moves. I think you're being a little close-minded about not trying bigger moves, too. You might hurt yourself but you'll do that learning most sports. Just grow some testicals and try it - Your body will heal (Y)

As for the whole, "don't lie you b*****d." That's totally the wrong attitude to come here with. Just because you can't do something doesn't mean no-one else can do it.

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I thought the video was quite good, didn't like the music though, but that's difference in tastes. Not many big hop-ups or drops etc but your gapping looks good. I think you have to take risks if you want to improve.

I don't know if anyone's considered that the guy might not be that bothered about improving.....

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Heyy, not a bad vid, for 18 months I would like to see bigger stuff being nailed.

Looking at the vid i picked up on quite an important mistake, half way through the vid i think you take around 4 attempts at doing a gap, the thing i notice is your not taking off close enough to the edge, if you took off where my arrow is not only will you go further but you will also have less risk of snapping your chain.

So yerr take a look... shouldnt be that hard to resolve.

Just get right to the edge, you will go loadsss further :)



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I also agree with what the majority of people are saying on here and that you should try going bigger. I've also been riding about 18 months ish and i can gap 7'2" consistently and on a good day i can do more. I also agree with what someone said about your attitude, theres somone on this forum who can quite easily gap 9 feet and he makes it looks easy so just becaus eyou can't do it doesn't mean other people are lying when they tell you they can. I also think you should try something a bit more lively than just putting your front wheel on then jumping and placing the back wheel to get up things too, its a bit boring and looks a tad wimpy... you might want to look at bunnyhops or doing some hops to front wheels to get up things to stcik a bit of variation in the video. Also something fun wouldn't go a-miss... like some spinning type moves, or something original rather than just getting up something and then gapping. You did seem to have the right techniwue sorted for your gaps though so thats alright... you do just need to go into a not giving a s**t mode and try something that seems far too big though... you'll suprise yourself at the fact your not far off making it and this will motivate you to become a better rider. Besides, at the height of those walls your not likely to hurt yourself in the slightest so theres no need to worry about your hips, you're not elderly yet :-

As to the video itself, i can see that this was likely to be your first video and we all make mistakes to learn from, we just need someone to help us out and show us what they are. I think a big hint is that you shouldn't repeat a clip so many times... i get that the gap might have been challenging and it was good when you managed it but repeating it 8 times was a big no no. Videos are meant to be entertaining and seeing someone fail so many times isn't entertaining unless they look as though they suffer whilst they fall... though this is usually saved for bails videos. You seemed to get decent angles to show off the gaps and to make it more interesting but maybe try using a tripod as well, this way you can experiment with blurs and fades with the same angle to add a slightly more proffesional hint to the video.

But it wasn't too bad a first video, i've seen much worse.

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that was 'new stuff' and i hurt now because of falling off doing the first move. And what is quite big to you? and how long have you been riding? and what do you ride?

yea mate chill a tad we all go down sometime or another an sometimes it propper hurts ask the back of my head but just chill out a tad yea?

i dont know i can probably gap about that my bike is 6 foot from front wheel to back wheel edge to edge alone :- are you calling me a lying b*****d.

id call you a lying b*****d that your bike is 6 foot long wheel base that is shit - you can judge some gaps by saying 1 and a half bikes some people do that i just get down on my hands and knees and lye in the gap as in about 6 foot long :P

i liked the riding and didnt supprise me when someone asked if you were going to the next comp :P from only riding street you can usually tell a natural rider whos riding street an you showed all those characteristics lol - but was nice clean riding youve been riding longer than me and i may be better than you but you were pulling some techy moves which i wouldnt even try i hate walls - but you were riding along them an have good balence

so consentrate on your weakness's and maximise your strengths just keep riding man (Y)

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Cool vid but the music was. :ermm: Go bigger and build more confidence and you would be better at riding in no time. (Y) Id also like that vid more if it had more streety action in it E.g manual's,180's and shizzle like that. :)

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Hey Ian

Cool vid mate (Y) . Some of those gaps look pretty good. Really liked the music as well. Also are you going to the next EBTC comp?


im not sure yet buddy cause i am having a party the night before but i will be going to the on in july. How about you?

Heyy, not a bad vid, for 18 months I would like to see bigger stuff being nailed.

Looking at the vid i picked up on quite an important mistake, half way through the vid i think you take around 4 attempts at doing a gap, the thing i notice is your not taking off close enough to the edge, if you took off where my arrow is not only will you go further but you will also have less risk of snapping your chain.

So yerr take a look... shouldnt be that hard to resolve.

Just get right to the edge, you will go loadsss further :)


Thanks for this mate, i will give it a go. I have been trying quite a few bits of what you are all saying, but i ride alot of comps and most of my riding i want to be able to apply to comp situations there for i like to try and make moves smooth and keep to two wheels. This also means i havent yet thought about 'street moves' such as manules and 180 hops/pivots.

thanks though, And i take back calling you a b*****d!!!

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