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Chris Elson

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My mum and dad are well into trials

my dads my minder and helps me out with my bike, everyone at the comps know him its well funny! :lol:

Same with my mum she observes so they all know her too.

The rest of my family like my cousins, aunties, uncles and grandparents are into motorbike trials, but they like watching me and my brother riding about on the montys lol

So all of my family think biketrials is cool :thumbsup:

Your dads one uber nice guy.. after what i've seen at the world champs, hes definitely one of the coolest minders ever.. haha :D

My mum and dad are okay with it, though they rarely come for the competitions, they are nice enough to send me for rides and stuff. Yea and dad thinks its more worth it to spend 100 on new wheels, rather than to get a DVD that costs 15. harhar

Edited by Ben_OCP
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my dad knows a little about it but all he thinks i do is hop on back wheel but he knows how the bike goes together and how to fix things but he's learning my mum knows nothing about trials! My sister knows a bit and my brother knows alot about trials you may know him because he goes on trials fourm hes name is Rob Walker because he got me into trials really and that my family

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haha good topic (Y)

my dad is the best.he knows basically everyone except for not very well known street riders.

speeks to ashton kenny belaey gavin bedford sam wheeler tim pratt gilles wolfe jon shrewsbury etc etc.

he helps me out with all of my parts and is very happy to take me places in the car to practice.he helps with cleaning and fixing my bike whenever broken.he probably knows as much as i do about bikes :lol:

my mum is cool wit it all too as long as i wear my helmet! i try to keep things that happen away from her...like falling off because she gets all "you be carefull" you know.

my mates mum is legend.real funny she knows the differencr to mod and stock the parts on the bike and why the brakes squeek.haha.she helps out with my mates stuff to..buying prety much all of his parts for his bike.shes great and is into it too.

max..... :rolleyes:

Your dad really is the best or thats just a pete wright moment!!!

Anyway my parents know i have a bike, but thats about it!

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my dad helps me out alot with my bike, he knows more about fixing a bike than me :$

i used to just sit behind the comp half of the day so he bought my first bike to get me out of my room:P

he buys me parts aswell when i need em, and drive me to places to practise (Y)

feel kinda guilty about that because i feel that i dont do enough back to him :(

my mom is still a bit in the ''carefull phase'' but she knows that i love trials so she never stopts me from doing it or anything

rest of the family knows what is too, ride with my cousins (they do downhill) aswell sometimes

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my mum does'nt really like the fact that i ride trials......thats probly due to the fact i show her my videos of dropping off bus stops and riding on big walls etc. she tells me she thinks it is really skillful. my brother has a lush orange zero but he never really rides it proply, he never tells me i'm good or nothing he just says "its a shame you didn't die" when i fall off :lol: but deep down i can see he loves it and is really jealous of me.

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My dad and my mum (kind of), like taking me places because whenever i go to practice, my dad takes motobike and rides, like addigham and places like that and when comps are on my dad and sometimes mum observe. They also buy me parts sometime but only if i need em like they wont buy me a new rim just because its a cool colour.

Matt Rushton

can you adopt me please mate..? :-

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My mom appreciates my riding, somewhat, actually understands that enjoy riding my bike. My dad doesn't really get the point of it but still finds it some sort of skill. My brother is awsome even though he rode more freeridish kind of stuff when he used to ride, he totally gets technical riding on bikes. He's a bit the one that pushed me to put a trialsy feel [ok it's maybe a bit more than a feeling now...] in my riding when I started riding street/park on big wheels.


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Your dad really is the best or thats just a pete wright moment!!!

Anyway my parents know i have a bike, but thats about it!

no pete wright moment...goin to porthcawl today :) havent ridden natural in ages (N) by all leaving now :-

Max-t post up the pictures and video if you want. (Y)

have to get my mate to send me it first.havent got a photobucket account.so ill get that sorted soon.

and ill have to upload it to eengoedidee if i do upload it..nuffin much though mostly me and chris messin bout on some logs and aaron fallin off :lol:

ohh and me and bob in porthcawl.


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