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Need To Know What Bits To Buy


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Well it all depends how new you are to trials, if you are just starting then try to spend as little as possible on it because you are only going to be braking parts all the time. however I know my friend had a load of trouble with running a front freewheel, he must have spent a fortune replacing them all the time because they kept skipping, so maybe if anything get one of the new ECHO, ADAMANT, GU etc...... freewheel hubs from Tarty they seam to be really good for him so far! (fingers crossed). also the most essential part for a trials bike is a decent set of brakes so that is one thing you should not save money on. I hope this helps with the new bike? :rolleyes:B)

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if you have only just started riding then you will definately want an ace back brake, because to start with you will be trying to learn all the basics and most of them are on the backwheel,when you do learn the basics you will be trying them on walls so the last thing you want is your brake slipping and you falling off so i would reccommend getting some maguras hs33's, you will dedinately want them for the back, but if you buy the pair it is a bit cheaper! also you will need a set of descent pads on the rear so i would reccommend looking in tartybikes for some descent pads;

go to the 'brake pads' section on the left, and choose some pads that you can afford and like. (don't buy the magura kool stops!!)

if you are not sure the pads you chose are good then come on hear and use the search bar to see if they are good.

good luck mate.

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