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Drinking Games!

Tom Booth

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drink while you think is pretty ace - as is 21's

a game to play as a rule for any drinking game ... THUMBMASTER

easy one person is the thumbmaster... at any point in the evening the thumbmaster plonks his thumb on the table (the slyer the better) and everyone else follows suit ... last one downs and becomes the new thumbmaster ....

A good one to learn abit (too much) about your friends is I HAVE NEVER ... sitting in a ring first man says "I have never" followed by summut he has never done ... everyone who HAS done it in the ring has to drink 2 of the finest... then moves on to the next person. It would seem easy to lie about it and never drink - but play democracy rules and anyone caught out trying not to drink has to drink double and if the person making up the i have never is caught out its the whole lot ... awesome for stitch ups like - "I have never been called steven ...."


whiskey glass in the middle and a 10p - go round the cirle trying to bounce it in .... get it in and you nominate a drinker and get another go ... get three in a row and you get to put in place a drinking rule for the evening ... Its pretty harsh pretty quick...

There are millions of fab games out there .....

Edited by manuel
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Completely forgot 'Save the Queen'.

Basically when someone isn't looking, as carefully as you can drop copper coin into thier drink and shout 'Save the Queen'. Then they down thier drink. And it goes on an aon and on, until you run out of coins.

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We call it a boat race and it's awesome!

Try this though, everyone in both lines has TWO pints, and the race goes from one end and then back again.

You need your strongest player at the end, cos they have to down 2 pints consecutively! :lol:

It's good is that!

The way to make it really funny is:

everybody has to be arseholed first

then...when each person has downed their pint...they have to run to the other side of the room...put their forehead on a broomstick (pole whatever)...and run round it 10 times..then run back...

very funny seeing everyone fly all over :lol:

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