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Ie Problems


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Right, i was on here the other day DLing a video and browsing about and suddenly about 45 IE windows popped up and its been buggered since.

I get messages saying about runtime errors with IEXPLORE.EXE and it trying to terminate incorrectly. I also get 'Low on virtual memory' warnings popping up too and everything does mega slow.

Anyone know how to resolve this? I've had a good look round google and microsoft.com and tried all that was suggested but to no avail. Sugestions included unsinstalling McAfee Virus checkers, Google toolbars, quicktime and a conflict with outlook 2002, which i dont even have.

Im running XP Pro with a fairly recent (but not the latest) version of IE.

As a side note, don't tell me to use firefox either :lol:

Cheers for any help.

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maybe try this and see if it stops..

go to

tools > internet options > advanced

untick the tickybox that says "Enable third-party browser extensions"

close down all your IEs and try to make it happen again.

if it doesn't happen anymore you've managed to get some filthy browser extension installed which can probably be got rid of using BHOdemon and a spot of googling.

the system restore thing will probably sort you out though.

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Ive tried system restore which didnt work. No adware or viruses found, ran 2 worm-killer things, cleared the history, temp files and offline content, tried running/installing some 'ie.inf' file aswell as runnig some microsoft system file checker, all to no avail. May try a reinstall or update and if that doesnt work then backup and reinstall XP. Grr.

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